Western Mail from Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales (2024)

RACING NOTES "LINCOLN" TRIAL Sea Bequest Wins Over Mile Sy OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT In a week's time we shall he wending our way to Lincoln for the opening of another flat-racing season, and the hunt for the elusive "spring double" has becune So far as the Lincolnshire Handicap is concerned it would seem that the prospects of Jack Jarvis saddling the winner for the second year in succession are rosy, for in the presence of the owner, Mr. C. Gordon, and Lord Roseberv. Sea Bequest, who is at the head of the handicap, won a trial over a mile at headquarters on Saturday. Jarvis's other "Lincoln" candidates.

Thein and Rosecrag, were in the trial together with Tartan, and after Theio To-day's Best 3.15-MADEIRA KNIGHT had set a strong gallop for six furlongs Sea Bequest went through to win comfortably by two lengths. I do not pretend to know the weights carried in the snin, but when the news leaked out at Hurst Park later in the day 100 to 6 was accepted about Sea Bequest, and I fancy he will touch a shorter price at to-day's call-over, particularly if it is known the son of Legatee is likely to do duty for the stable. Among the other Newmarket aspirants I hear that Priok, Screamer and Boethius continue to give satisfaction. Of those trained away from headquarters a good account has reached me concerning Lordling. who is confidently expected to make a bold bid.

NIGHTINGALL'S BAD LUCK Walter Nightingall, the trainer of Law Court, had the misfortune to break a leg on Saturday when his hack fell with him on the Downs during early morning exercise. This is, indeed, a stroke of bad luck, for the South Hatch trainer has over 60 horses in his stables. Fortunately, his sister, Marjorie, a clever horsewoman, will be able to superintend during his enforced absence. All the Grand National rehearsals that matter have been completed. Final acceptors will be known on Wednesday, but not many of those remaining are likely to disappear, although it seems to me a waste of money to pay another £4O for some of them.

WOLVERHAMPTON SELECTIONS Wolverhampton, where enormous entries have been received. starts the last week of the National Hunt season proper. Back Isle, who did us a good turn at Cheltenham last week. runs again for the Penn Handicap Hurdle, and despite a penalty I recommmd him. Madeira Knight, Lost Property, and Pinkcoat look to be the pick for the Dunstall Hurdle.

Selections Shifnal Selling HAWK if absent, RIYERHOLME. Bushbury Selling Handicap THE DECOY; FLORENCE JANE, place. Penn Handicap ISLE; MILANO, place. Dunstall KNIGHT (MP); LOST PROPERTY, place. Compton Steeplechase--WINDERMERE LADDIE; if absent.

MONTCLAIR. Oxley Handicap RAVINE; FLYING MINUTES, place. Double--BACK ISLE and MADEIRA KNIGHT. STABLE INFORMATION Sy "GLEANER" SWALLOW HAWK, a winner last week. should follow up that success by taking the Shifnal Selling Steeplechase at Wolverhampton to-day, while a penalty may not stop THE DECOY in the Bushbury Selling Hurdle Race.

From what I can gather BACK ISLE, who beat a useful field at Cheltenham, is expected to go close for the Penn Handicap Hurdle race in spite of a penalty, and WINSOME PRINCE gets the recommendation as an each way bet in the Dunstall Hurdle Race. MONTCLAIR is expected to figure prominently in the Compton Steeplechase. and FLYING MINUTES is considered good" for the Oxley Handicap Steeplechase. SATURDAY'S RESULTS HURST PARK 2.0-SEAL 17.2). 1: SEA TROUT (even.l.

SARATOGA 1100-71, 3. Also ran: Don Hour See. Tote: 2.30-LE PETIT PIERHOT 19-41. LADY PAMELA 16-11, GODOLPHIN 17-1), 3. Also ran: Rabin Wond, Erander, Burlington Bill, Lady Kitt, Ca In.

One and ball lengths; too. Tote: 3.9, 3.0-I)*EYNCOCRT 1100-81. WEST 'CENT 11004). PERSIAN SUN 110681. 3.

Also Prommati.e. Mon. Code. The Boy in Blue, Linton. Chonumb.

Ego. Really True. Comedian, 11. Rathlrilanti, Sham Ruby, Stage Xiight. Cluny Imes.

Ondenarde. Sig Worths; neck. 'Ate: Mann, 3.30-ABBOTS FERRY 19-41, WATTEAU (5-21. WESTERN WAVE 11004) 3. Ales nu: Lotbario, Miss Beech.

Gay Hussar, Coldstream, Holy Knight, lowerlair. Blue Bed, Nothing. Stiehl', Crab Helmet. Arthur. Porker.

Poor lengths; some. Tote; 511 16. 4.0-MAX 15-1). CESARION 110-11, 2: ROIBILLI. 1100.8), I.

Also ran: Hecht Ma, Os Po.t. King's Cron. Tnntaway. Swift Lave, Boyo. Poropier, Prince do Baas IL, Manner.

Hiker, Dusky Jack. Irish Gran. Court Equerry. Jonathan Buttall. Poor Tote: 1713.

4.30-SHANNON BREEZE 15-21. OUCHTRY ARCHES 18-1) TIBERE 116 1 3. Also tan: Ma-Llsin-On. Spurtie, And How, Roman Citizen. Jacksnipe.

King of Cadonia, kkkkk Led, Belloch The Heir, Bold Boy. One length; nna and a half. Tote: plains. Tote double: 217. CATIERICK 1.30-JED 17-4).

WAIIRIOB 11. (5-2). pl 0 LY ru 4 ders ve. Ab Teo ao 3: A PPeao et. 2.0-WARDLET 05.11), WYCHWOOD (10-1).

ROINIMERE 111.1), 3. Also ran: Patella. Preantent Wilfred. Constant Brother. Damask.

Panes 7ea Tote: Waxen 6 6 2.30-BENZIL (441. DUNZIRA (3-1). FAMILY PUNS 1100.61. 3. Alas raa: Parnell.

Vegas's. Warlike. Hazel Bad. Tote: places. 3.0-STAR BOUND 111-4).

JUBA 17-2). 1: 7,1,17713 2 ()DAT 15-11. 3. Also raa: Mutest Jest. Onyx.

choker Boy. Patrlst, Craekaberry. Captain Caadid, sbarmala. Tote: Pismo. 2 9 3.30-TREHOLATOR (100-6).

DUCE (6-11. CASTLE HILL (7-11 3. Alen ran: Let Theory. Coilder. Wald, Primalde.

Lose Ar. ll Tote: 4.0-. ANOTHER BAND 14.61. TORELET 11041 2: THE (9-21. 3.

ran: Ing 11.sory. Miss Wenander. Tote: Tote donSle: OFFICIAL SCRATCHINGS INaPPlied by Messrs. Weatherby) peigamp Hurdle. Wolverhampton Degree.

Wolverhampton March Meeting meats--Ited Money. Bideford Bay. Worth) Doan Weiskon.logy. Open Selling Hurdle, Seedoen Open Selling Breeplecham. Sandmen 'work.

Past and Present Steeplechase. Sendoog Mareonl. Past and Present Hurdle, Ledburr Hurdle. Colwell Colwell Park handicap engammeats--Camme. Batorl Hurdle.

Taunton handicap engage. Croon Hurdle. SedgeSeld-- Creole H. Liverpool Hurdle. Stephens.

Unroll, Plate. Sill. All pnbliehed Novices' Steeplechase. Royal Artillery Hunt Meeting sad Subalterns' Challenge Cup, Second Cavalry Meetfrg--eloaskka. Subalterns Challenge Cop.

Swami Cavalry Meetlug--Lightlad IF. Ail engeledlellf. Preetovin. Sisley (dead). WESTERN MAIL SOUTH WALES NEWS, MONDAY, MARCH 16, 1936: OTHER SOCCER GAMES WOLVERHAMPTON SELECTIONS PAPER.

1.45. 2.12. 1 2.41. I 3.15. I 3.41.

1.15. II MAIL. Swallow Niat Me Sissy I IF 111 fl I Wlemlinwsw Dirk Ronne (SPECIAL CORRE at absent. IN, 5 1414044, (place. Rsaiakt (p I Ladino Of al (1 11 riling II Warhislwal) dasw) I WOW) Last Prawarly), alantalalr) MI DAILY i I Swallow HaanDl ungstmne I Rwrs Walk I 04 Easy 4 (HOTSPUR 'WONTING------ WREN' I WlNionmere bi wi CHRONICLE.

SllowllawklFleranas Ms I 11. Lawns (KETTLEDRUM.) DAILY E. 1 lawaltar I Sloonel 1T 447111 it 4 141 14 01 (plary, 504404 101. e. Wedding (pl ate.

Inlace. OSA RAIAX It Ivarfwane) Daoldar) sown) aft II.) Thera" WOLVERHAMPTON PROGRAMME I.4II—SNIFNAL SELLING S'CNASE of £lOO. nun 221 (Lady Delamere) Barthropp 9 11 7 001 Swallow Hawk (Mr Newel 7 11 7 103 Wandering Wink llfr Jovial) 8 11 3 TM abort are thin 311 Trout (Mr 1 Oasis) Wood 7 11 7 303 Two Royals (Mr Long) 11 Langlsods 13 11 7 000 Nut Plus (Mr Barker) Thrale 14 11 3 200 11811 and Halt IYr A Blake) A Blake 7 11 3 Cormanlosigh ILt.Col Body) Petrol. 11 1 1 200 Royal Count (Sir Grown) Gorda. 10 11 400 Lord Putianden IMr Looker) 91100blOef 9 11 3 043 Milo Thorn (Mr .1 Moon) ironwood 11 11 3 000 Wily Bird (14 Shrewsbury) Powell 11 11 3 000 London Longo.

(Mr Thrale) 5 11 3 000 May Whirs 1114 Woods) Woods 8 11 3 000 Ennui (Mr Woodward' Whiteman 9 11 3 PROBABLE START(RS AND JOCKIIIVB Hlrerholme Owen Wandering Wing Swallow Hawk Hanley A. Piggott Non Plus Elder Lord Puttenden 11.11 and Hall Millar Beechener 020 Dinton 144 (Lady Currie) 4 10 0 Winchester (Mr 0 Gabor Ward 4 10 5 0 Watchdog (Mr Jackson) Morgan 4 10 0 Touches-Pas (Mr Joel) Earl 4 10 6 00 Shandyp.ff (Mr King) ..0 Wilson 4 10 a 344 Allanhead rapt K-Lennosi Lyde 4 10 6 430 Tranaccodental Gold Mrs Lundy) Bear) 4 10 5 4 10 6 4 10 5 Earl 4 10 5 000 Red Tape Mr A 91 0 Epoch (Mr 8 McGregor) 00 Finereed te.Pt Robt.tb) 000 Mount Henson Mr Norburyi Cbekton 4 10 5 00 Howe Park (Mr Norris) 4 10 5 Royal Demand (Mr refuel 4 10 5 Fishing otn.s (Mrs Pilkinitton) Briscoe 4 10 5 0 Mob Law (Mr Evans 4 10 400 Fast Dye (Mr Renton) 4 10 Pinkcout (Mrs Itnydel 4 10 5 020 Golden Dollar (Mr Sharp) Private 4 10 5 0 Carley Hill (Mr Thompson) Hartigan 4 10 5 00 Cubist (Mr Whitney) Anthony 4 10 LE STARTERS AND JOCKEYS Winsome Prince Escallonia Piggott IL Pringle Burning Sands Joh Tom Brown Teeth, Ur Mansamara Mates Lad Isaac Wedding King 11. Banter Legle Doyle Lola Property Preens Maderla Knight Moloney Ye.ther~eight Doherty Red Tape Jones Lateen Waning Perrin Mob Law Murray Birdcage Walk Fast Dye Mr It Renton Bagman Walsh Sipefell Kinsella Reuter Belford Carley Hill ..8 Ingham Poet's Walk lioltick Tribulation West; BETTING FORECABT-3 to 1 apt Wedding Ring 11.. 100 to 30 apt hut Property, 5 to 1 apt Bagman. 13 to 2 apt RosPter.

8 to 1 apt Medina Knight, 10 to 1 apt Leda, 100 to 8 apt Poet's Walk, and 100 to 7 apt Tomlin. SAS COMPTON 'CHASE of £2OO. Two miles and hall 800 Remus (Mr A Berry) rosden 11 11 0 110 Rooney (Mr Caplet) 11 Whiteman 7 11 4 330 AlearadJ (Sir Grey) 8 11 4 000 Thera, (Mr Metcalf) Harrison 11 11 4 Last Chord (Sir A Bailey) It Robb. 6 10 9 200 Bel Appel (Mr. Brook) It Hobbs 5 10 0 0 Fossil (Mr Kiddie) Lefebve 5 10 0 The above are 101 Coldest Miller (Miss Papt) 0 Anthony 9 12 7 000 Royal Ransom (Mr Whitney) Anthony 9 12 2 110 Castle Insell (Mr Bostwick) I Anthony 8 11 9 310 Montclair (Mr Beatty) 10 11 4 231 Windermere Laddie (Mr Bownne) Coulthwaite 12 11 4 113 Soot o' My Heart (Mr Browse) Browne 8 11 4 103 Cranford St Andrew (Mr Chesterton) Dale 10 11 4 000 Xereman (Mr Johnson) Johnson 9 11 4 224 Battling Ben 'Mr.

I Lewis) Private 6 11 4 000 Richborough(Mr Utley) Young 11 11 4 212 Jovial Judp (Mr Rank) Leader 6 11 4 023 Provocative (Mrs de Selincourt) Anthony 6 11 4 000 Prince Medic (Sir I Welker) Private 10 It 4 000 Daggerdele (Mr Waring) Blake 8 11 4 001 Chauntry Arches (Mr Beautoy) Hardwick. 7 10 9 300 Castle View (Mr Dennis) Dennis 9 10 9 003 Goldiack Wry Dennis) 7 10 9 0 Loughan Duke (Mr Hope) Hope 7 10 9 040 Thatch (Mr CI Johnstone) Piggott 7 10 9 030 Marriep Settlement (Cant Portman) Clark 7 10 9 000 Gallant Toe (Mr. Seinsbury) Holland 6 10 9 000 Ports Sherman; Milner 7 10 9 Balverra Tod) Private 7 10 9 120 Tres. (Mn Villar) 5 10 9 004 las (Mrs Wtltels.) Stubbs 8 10 9 000 Tema Water (Mrs Mundy) 5 10 0 40 Silver Rein (Mr Bkoffington) Thrals 5 10 0 000 Drln Royal (IA Etalbridge) Stalbridge 5 10 0 SSSSSSS SSSSSSS AND JOCKEYS Remus 8 Magee Castle View ....0 Owen Song re Gallant Foe Rollick Statabrldge Porte Bonheur Rooney Gimlet Bel Appel A tkratcbley Alvarado Karaman Moloney Min Royal loot Battling Ben Janes Windermere Laddie Thera 4 Yawns Brown Lost Chord ifl.n Lord Wily Bird BETTING FORECAST-13 to 8 apt Hank, 3 to 1 apt Riverholmr. 9 to 2 apt Wandering Wing, 6 to 1 apt Irish 'Thom and 10 to I.

apt Non Eine. 2.IS—BUSHBURY SELLING HANDICAP HURDLE RACE of LlOO. Two 222 Chip. tYia. flolroaul Holman 8 11 9 000 Irifh Deligh.

(Mr Derial.touni Fall 7 11. 8 302 Barrister Goldsmith 4 11 7 300 4 Red wolf (Mr Kidde) Newsy 5 11 0 000 Gowns Lodge Illy Parry) Dutton 9 11 4 032 Dust (Mr harrow) 0 Priutelet (Mr. Galles) Duffy 8 11 3 00 Mute Swan 'Mrs Martial. Gilbert 9 11 1 000 Avonmouth lElir Croft) Hall 6 10 13 000 Arbas.el (Ur 000 Eager Gal IYr Piggott 4 10 001 The Decoy (lir Piggott, (5119:1. Piggott 5 10 000 Judy (Mr Dutton) Dutton 5 10 4 003 Nub lgul Pat) The above are there 113 True Count (Mn Hobbs 12 7 0 'formate Itlir I) Llewellyn) Shetland 7 12 2 tteeksee Ferry (Mr 1) Dale) 7 12 0 000 Troutsal (Mr 0 Langlandal 0 Langlands 12 12 0 020 Vivacious (Mr.

Jones) --Gilbert 9 12 0 100 Pyrus (Mr Greenwood) Harrison 6 12 542 Turk Up (Mr Dennis) Harrison 10 11 9 Grecian (Mr Langlands) 0 Langlavids 8 11 8 030 Ennistymon (Mr Coekton 9 11 8 001 Bayport (Mr Webster) (slb gal Beymour 7 11. 8 020 (Mrs Seddon) 000 Roseate (Mr Campion) Thrale 7 11 7 tAb Priodonte (Mr Dyke Dennis) Dennis 8 11 6 3 Lake Lodi. (Mr Bbarp) Private 5 11 6 010 Senna (Mite Baron) Gurney 8 11 203 Up Rivers (Mrs Duidale) Dutton 5 11 5 240 Clay Hilmar (Mr. Goodfellow) 11 5 010 Bedraggled (Mr White) Ilolmm 8 11 8 00061(17 Vamp (Mr Masters) I Anthony 6 11. 000 Corraelanna Lass (Mr Whltelaw) T.riiabbs 7 11 04 Lml (Mr Thomponi Hartigan 4 11 000 Pretty Obvious (M 8 11 0 013 Ginger Boy (Mr Muria 8 20 13 000 Holy Knight (Mr Forbes) Cullinan 7 10 12 00 Rosa Pilgrim (Mrs Field) Brown 8 10 12 303 Cralgendona (Miss Mitchell 7 10 11 040 Pamphlet (Mr Birch) 200 Atone Deer (Mrs Osz) Cox 6 10 7 000 Master Poacher (Mr 10 10 7 000 Merced (Mr Looter) 000 River Arrow (Mr Renton) Madden 6 10 5 440 Heyman (Mr Millerstar) Gurney 11 10 001 Flamer.

Jane (Mr Pearson) 15(bes) 00 Friar Hawn (Mr Groves) Cullman 8 10 3 001) Hoye) Soldier (Mr Rimelll Rimell 4 10 2 000 Silvan( (Copt Thompson 7 10 0 244 Dahomey (Mr F. Knowlev) Hollowell 5 10 0 0 Mune (Mr Chamberalini 003 Culla. (Mr Renton) Cbamberlahl 13 10 Malden 7 10 20 Sebsreppes (M Ractilflel Russell 7 10 0 E'er Bird (Mr Spencer) Private 6 10 0000000 STARTERS AND JOCKEYS True th iormoro Mr Creeksea Ferry Y.l4t!!ard Sir Wood Intl Deheft lnei.lymua Barrister Mr Walerya Big Bad Well Lodge Ty l'ery Mute Swan Rumble Soldier Lad ..5 Ingham Pretty Obvious Redmond Avonmouth Mir Croft BETTING FORECAST- Jane. 5 Id I apt Bayput to 2 sot The Demi. I and Teo.

Count. and It POLAND SAVES TWO PENALTIES City Goalkeeper's Achievement By CITIZEN G. Poland, Cardiff City's young goalkeeper, saved two vnalties In a Birmingham League match at Stourbridge on Saturday. Cardiff City won by four goals to three after leading by three goals at the interval. The City Reserves monopolised the opening half, when goals were scored by Davies, Roberts, Attley, and It was during this period that Poland saved two penalties, but Rollingworth reduced the lead, and completed his hat-trick in the second half when Cardiff were much more subdued.

Heavy Scoring There was again heavy scoring in the Welsh League, and Lovell's Athletic, by getting eight goals against Cardiff Corinthians, advanced towards the century mark. They have now scored 85 goals in 25 games. Against Cardiff Corinthians their attack was in fine fettle. They scored four goals in each half, the scorers being McMillan (3), W. Williams (2), Hiles, K.

Fisher, and Mac Gill, A. Garlick and P. Bird obtained goals for the Corinthians. Caerau accomplished their best performance of the season in defeating Troedyrhiw by seven goals to one. Western was in great form, scoring five goals in rapid succession, but he owed a lot to the clever scheming of Thomas and Robbins, his inside forwards.

Dawkins and Robbins obtained the other goals, whilst Mort reduced the lead with a penalty. Cleverer approach and stronger finishing enabled Aberdare to win at Gwynfl by three goals to one. Atkins scored all three goals for Aberdare, whilst Vaughan obtained a first half goal for' Gwynfl Welfare. Caswell obtained the only goal for Celli Colliery in their match against Aberaman, and this was the result of a penalty. Treharris In the Final Treharris Athletic owed their victory over Llanerch Celts in the semi-final of the Welsh Amateur Cup competition at Llanidloes to a sound defence, coupled with the poor finishing of the Llanerch forwards.

Treharris's goals came from blunders by the Llanerch defence, Anthony scoring the first in a goalmouth scramble and Prowse the second direct from a corner kick. Gable obtained a third early in the second half, and although Llanerch subsequently took charge of the game they scored only once, through Peters. Although Briton Ferry, leaders of the Second Division of the Welsh League, held a goal lead at the interval at Nantymoel, they had to be content with a division of the points, Nantymoel making a splendid second half rally. The scorers were MacDonald, Elliot, and Morse for Nantymoel, and Berni (2) and Evans for Briton Ferry. Good Recovery Treorchy Juniors fully deserved their win by the odd goal iii seven at Trelewis, for after being two goals down they lost the services of Bumford.

E. Lewis scored twice for Trelewis, and Parry and Boxall replied for the Juniors before the interval. In the second half Evans and Boxall added further goals for Treorchy. and just before the end Hughes obtained a third goal for Trelewis. Milford United defeated Cornell) United 4-1, three of their goals being scored in the second half by Adams (2, and Hoggins.

Previously Shapcott scored for Milford and Underhill for the visitors. Ton Pentre failed by the odd goal at Grovesend. They are leading mid-way through the second half, but late goals by Bryn Jones and J. Jones enabled the works side to win an exciting game. In an eastern section match Abertridwr Welfare lost to Wattstown by three goals to one.

Caerphilly United, holders of the South Wales and Monmouthshire Junior Cup, got through their fifth round match against Swansea Nomads with a good win by three goals to one. Isaacs (2) and I. Vaughan were their scorers, whilst Jones scored for the visitors from a penalty. rcia G.W.R. Institute defeated Taunton, the holders, in the semi-final re-play of the G.W.R.

All Line Cup competition at Swindon. Cardiff won by two clear goals scored by Bowden and Herniman. Continued from preceding column. NOMINATION (OPEN) AU. Three and miles.

POLO PLAYER (Miss de Winton) Owner 1 MIRA ISIr ioo) Mro 2 BRIDLE Wilt (Mrs Gifford) Miss Gifford 3 Also (Miss WY (Miss Jenn)). Miss Cobham (Miss I. Burteni. Hunting Tower 11. (Miss Barton), (Miss Sande)).

Highlight 11, (Miss Linton). Old Town 11. (Miss Cor)), Jack Aranda 11, Illiss Paterson). Playboy 111. Bournemouth (Miss Preston), Condescension tblrs Bishop).

Betting-5 to 1 agst POLO PLAYER and Pentyla. 4 to 1 Bridle Wise. 6 to 1 Torras and Mira, 8 to 1 Tyranny. 10 to 1 Miss Cobham and Old Town 11., 20 to 1 nthem. Won by 11 lengths; 2.

Tote: Win, 3.2 HUNTS' and ADJACENT 'worm FARMERS' CHASE. Three and a ball PR CUPID (lEr Jones) Mr 0 Pitudemore 1 THE MONK 9.13.0 (Mr Hardee) Mr Bowen 2 ZEALOUS JENNY 6.13-0 (Mr Johns- Powell) Owner 3 Also (Mr I Nichol.) tell. Bettiny-5 to 2 on PRESTON CUPID. 4 to 1 ogot Zealous Jenny. 6 to 1 The Monk, 10 to 1 Torten.

Woo by a distance; bad. Tote: 4.O—THE MONMOUTHSHIRE FARMERS' STEEPLECHASE. Three end hall mile FEARLESS 6.13.0 (Mr Mors) Mr Xlrion I IRISH MELODY 812.7 (Mr Mullin.) Owner 2 MOONSTONE 11. 6424 A A TAYIN Mr Williams 3 Also Marie (Mr Price) Cold Flake (Mr Hill) fell. Tempest (Mr Rogers) fell.

Irish Melody. 2 to 1 apt FEARLESS, 10 to 1 others. Woo by 1i lengths; bsd. Tote: 4.30-ADJACENT HUNTS' MAIDEN STEEPLECHASE. Three and a WI INQUISITIVE rar (Mr Bowen) Omer 1 EEEEEE OF 081 Bailey) Mr .1 Bickerton 2 EILLINOEOATE 7.12.7 Jenny) Mr 0 Scadamore 3 Alan Chimes fell, Mao (Mr Lewis), Paula (Mr Hill).

Lucky Torn tYr Jones) pulled up, Creekathubba (Mr 1. Clay) fell. Betting-2 to 1 apt Silver Chime. and Desert of 061 to 1 Paula. Billingsgate.

Croeltathubba, 6 to 1 11101111111TIV, PIT. 10 to 1 Won by 2 lenettta; 20. Tote: CORRIN COTTAGE DISQUALI- FIED Corrin Cottage, winner of the Burlington Long Distance Handicap Hurdle Race at Hurst Park on Friday, has been disqualified owing to a wrong entry. The race has been awarded to Greek Pie, who finished second. Pompous becomes second and Priddy Hill, who was placed fourth, takes third place.

Bets are not affected. Backers of Corrin Cottage win their wagers. Eachway backers of Priddy Hill lose. Sporting Chronicle Handicap Book. Code: 25 21 18 15 20 28 21 4 17 14 20.

For kev see "Sporting Chronicle Handicap Book, on sale every Saturday, price 2d. new course at Llanarth, near Usk, on Saturday. Riders taking a jump in the Ladles' Nomination Steeplechase. Left to right: Miss Janney (riding Mrs. Russell James's Miss J.

Sanday (on and Miss 8. de Winton (riding "Me Player CARDIFF CI GAME Lose Chance to Gain New Followers By "CITIZEN" Cardiff City Swindon Town Attendance, 10,000. Cardiff. City missed an opportunity of attracting new "converts" on Saturday, when hundreds of Rugby enthusiasts, locked out from the international, sought solace at Ninian Park. Although the City defeated Swindon by two goals to one I am afraid our Rugby friends did not derive much consolation from tl.e game, which was far removed from being a model exhibition of the Soccer there were so many faults in positioning and distribution that much of the football lacked reality, and interest was centred on the result rather than the actual play.

It is true there were flashes of good football, but, generally, Cardiff City suffered through indecision and hesitancy. Most of the players were much slower on the ball than usual, and haphazard positional play made their movements even slower, with the result that a very ordinary Swindon defence was made to look quite good. Swindon's general football was better than that of the City. They worked the ball quicker and showed greater intelligence in marzeuvring for position, but their finishing was poor, and the only forward with a shot was Lowry, the former Swansea Town player, who was also the most enterprising. CITY'S DETERIORATION It is difficult to trace Cardiff City's deterioration.

A first minute goal should have given them every encouragement. but they rarely functioned as a team and were particularly disappointing in attack. Pugh and Keating, on the right flank. were the most successful forwards, and it was appropriate that Keating should obtain the goals which brought much needed points. The first, scored within a minute of the start, was a surprise shot from 20 yards' range, whilst he obtained the winning goal after Lowry had equalised with a sudden thrust through the middle.

Swindon protested against this goal on the grounds that Keating handled the ball he brought it under control, but Keating breasted the ball down to his feet. Few reputations were made, but Bassett, although handicapped by an injury which necessitated one side of his body being strapped, did quite a lot of useful stopping work in the City goalmouth. Greater responsibilities were thrust upon him because wing halves and backs did not seem to have much understanding, and there was a reluctance on the part of some of the players to move into a tackle. Teams Cardiff City: Deighton; Granville, Everest; Continued In next column. Continued from preceding column.

Smith, liaFnett, Godfrey: Pugh, Keating, D. Lewin, Redwood. Swindon Town: Rutherford; Duckworth, Smith; Coneine, Shanke, WilfrockFon; Storey, Fowler. Lowry. WIN POOR NEW COUNTY DEFENDERS TESTED i Newport Count, 1 Newport County's new defenders had a gruelling time In their first match at Bournemouth on Saturday.

The home team had secured only one point from their last five matches at Dean Court. and they were expected to make a determined attempt to stem the tide. They succeeded in this, and Newport had little chance of success against a strong defence and a lively attack. Of Newport's newcomers Jones had by far the hardest task, for Parris, the Bournemouth coloured Welsh winger, was in brilliant form, and besides cutting in he presented his colleagues with wonderful openings. O'Mahoney had a much better game at centre-half, and his close attention to Riley, Bournemouth's leading goalscorer, was largely instrumental in keeping the score down.

Pincott, the Bournemouth pivot, is another young, tall player, built on similar lines, and he also played a grand defensive game, cnd Derrick was unable to help his fellow forwards very much. GOOD LEFT-WING The Newport left-wing were the best of the line, and Clarke gave Thomas a good service of the ball. The outsideleft, however, and White, could not be compared with the Bournemouth wingers who were quick to take advantage of their chances. Burgess was the best attacking halfback, and he worked like a Trojan in the second half. The first goal came five minutes before the interval, after both goals had numerous narrow escapes.

Thompson gave the ball to Parris, who cleverly tricked Jones before running on and beating Briggs with a grand cross-shot. Parris also had a big share in the other goal, which came five minutes after the resumption. Accepting a pass from Farrow, he sent the ball to Akers, who was standing on the edge of the penalty aria, and the outside-right scored with a terrific shot. Bournemouth should have gone further ahead immediately after this, when Kelso handled in the penalty area but Riley miskicked, and Briggs had no difficulty in saving a tame shot. Bournemouth: Mellon; King.

Belli ffooton, Pineott, Farrow; Akers, Smith, Riley, Thompson, Parris. Newport County: Brim; Jones, Kelso: Buren', O'Mahoney, Jenkins; White, Parle, Derrick, Clarke. Thomas. Referee: Mr. G.

C. Denton, Northampton. Royal Pprrim (2.lllnmn ncio ran Mitchell Jones Lager Gal Aggott Stone Boer Bona SMITING PORECAST-5 to 2 apt Winder. seen Lublin. 11 to 4 apt Trona, 9 to 2 apt Battling Den, 6 to 1 apt Alvarado.

15 to 2 agst Rooney, and 10 to 1 apt Ramat. OXLEY HANDICAP CHASE of £2OO. Two miles. 000 Therm (Mr Metcalf) Harrison 11 12 7 020 Delaglami (Mr Snow) Beets, 7 12 2 010 Tom Oliver (Mr Morel) (71b pi Roberts 6 11 2 Dahomey Mr Holloweii 000 Witch 'fuel (Mr 1) Dennial (organ Maxwell Ti2; eeoi Therr Moral Soldier Rimed Bucene Mr A Chamberlain Schweppes A Jack War Bird Harrison 8 10 9 104 Clots (Mr A Master.) Anthony 5 10 7 230 luvera Walk (Mr Rank( 6 10 7 000 d'Eninard (Mr A Hyde) Gurney 8 10 0 Tile apart are 000 Delapaix (Mr Snow) 7 15 4 101 Blue Banner II (Mr Stoddard) 110Ib es) 202 Go Easy (His. Ellis) Thrum 10 12 1 000 Armagnac Olio M.Buchan•n) Hartigan 8 11 10 230 Cubicle (Mr Whit) 10 11 6 141 Dark Ravine (Mrs A Moon) Forwood 8 11.

2 420 Flying Minutes (Mrs Clark) It Hobbs 6 11 2 000 Lestebridge (Mr Clifton) 8 11 2 004 Red Abbot (Mn Coote) Hardwieke 12 10 13 040 Merry Andrevr (Mr Paget) Paget 8 10 12 000 Demand (Ld Stalbridge) Btalbridge 5 10 12 211 gunny Peace (Mr Lanslands) I.anglande 11 10 9 302 Banner Knight (Mr Webeter) Beyrnour 7 10 7 000 Foreland (Mr Embertonl Harrison 7 10 1 440 Lena Gow)s (Mr Gordon) 0 Anthony 8 10 0 Knight of 81 Andrews (Mr. I 1 Private 6 10 324 Surtax (Mr Wake) Blake 8 10 0 000 Sand (Mr Wint) 6 10 0 100 Martello (Mr Dennis) 8 10 0 STARTERS AND JOCKEYS Thorp Dslaglace Kidney Demand Isaac Go ios7 Elder Witch Haul Armagnac Warren Clint. Williams Cubicle Banner Knight 11 Doyle Dark Ravine Owen Lover's W.lk Fawns Lestebirdge Piggott Surtax ..1 Mallon Tom Oliver ..11 Morgan Grain, dtpinerd Red Abbot Tome? Mr A Hyde BETTING FORECAST-3 to 1 apt Dark Ravine. 9 to 2 apt Delaglace. 5 to 1 apt Tom Meer.

13 to 2 slot Go Easy. 8 to 1 apt CYgnis. 10 to 1 apt Cubicle. and 100 to 8 agst Banner Knight. -7 to 2 apt 6 to 1 agst Dust.

13 10 to 1 each apt Mips .00 to 8 Barrister. LATEST SCRATCHINGS Compton Oxley Steepleebase--Tresca. Stanton Bed. POINT-TO-POINT RACES Monmouthshire Hunt Meeting THE WIZARD'S SELECTIONS 1.45-TWO ROYALS. 2.13-FLORENCE JANE (MP) 2.43-SPASM.


001 Thimble iMr (71b es) 300 Henri's Choice 'Mr Wsrorr) 0 Anthony 6 12 0 000 Heartbreak (Mr Kiddie) 5 12 0 000 Ballytoz (Comic Whitehead) 5 11 3 044 Littlethorpe iHr Renton) 10 12 004 Ennis Lad the Hellions) 8 10 2 001 Komombo 114 rs Brook) Hobbs 5 10 0 Tll above are there 312 Bright Armour (Mrs Livingstone) Langlanda 7 12 7 341 Back (Mrs Jones) alb eal Roberts 8 12 7 Asterabad (Mr Smith) 5 12 6 103 Milano (Mr Stoddard) I Anthony 5 12 1 221 Spasm IV, Langlauds) 4 11 10 200 Roibell ILt.CoI Wilson) Nunneley 6 11 7 001 Enchanter (Mr Whitney) Anthony 6 11 6 0 Welcon.a Dawn (Mr Read) Todd 4 11 0 012 Swiltsurt (Mr Webster) Seymour 6 10 9 330 Lodge Park (Mr Thrale) Then). 4 10 3 000 (Mr A Berry) 5 10 3 000 Ratite (Mr Nunn) Dale 6 10 3 000 (Mr Challis, Gurney 7 10 2 000 Dimmer (die Llewellyn) Sharland 8 10 0 000Mian (Mr T.ucael Brown 6 10 0 200 Tuck In (Mr Denniel 'I 10 0 000 Square Up (Mr It Woods) Word. 5 10 0 SSSSSSS STARTURS AND JOCKEYS Thimble Henri's Choke 0 Brown (I Pellerin Ennis Lad ..11 Morgan Heartbreak Homey Komombo O'Connor Dimmer Mr li Sharland Littlethorpe Tuck In Owen Mr Kenton Back Isle Mr WKwyn Sentare 11p BETTING FORECAST-2 to 1 apt Back Ole. 4 to 1 apt Swilteure, 11 to 2 soot Thimble. 13 to 2 coot Hearn' Choke.

8 to 1 apt Heartbreak. end 100 to 8 each apt Littlethorpe and Ennia Lad. 3.15 DUNSTALL HURDLE RACE of 4200. Two miles. 000 Tomlin (Mr MacNamara) --Dutton 6 11 6 03 Wedding Ring II (Mr 0 Foster) Briscoe 5 11 1 003 Madeira Knight (Mr Partridge) Beeby 5 11 1 31 3 Berman (Mr Norbnry) Coekton 4 10 12 041 Rossiter (Cant 8 Wilson) 4 10 12 00 Escallonla (Mr Dutton 440 6 0 Featherweight Wept Fuller) Powell 4 10 6 00 Illr 11 Kenyon) Bullock 4 10 5 0 Escaennte.

(Mr Morel) 4 10 6 0 Snaelell (Mr Stockdafel Hall 4 10 5 The abort are there 201 Boyo (Mr Johnson) Langlande 5 11 5 ttage Belle (Mr 10 11 5 0 nem. Prince (Miss P.ltsrlow) Coiling 8 11 5 030 74 (Mr Bridgman) 7 11 6 0 Manor Clarki Hobbs 6 11 5 000 bolt Tom (Mr Dennis) --Dennis 8 11 5 Rim (Min Anthony 8 11 5 Princes. To. (Mai Lloyd) 6 11 5 Shmerton (Mr Martineau) Lambton 6 11 6 0 Gangster (Mr Smithson) 7 11 5 000 Conway (Mr It Simms) Hobbs 7 11 5 0 Gallas (Mr IV Cornell.) --Gilbert 5 11 1 Birdcege Walk (Mr Hatter) Hob. 511 1 020 Warbine (Lady Liodsay) 5 11 1 0 Floodlit Olio Mackinnin) it Bennett 5 11 1 03 iLd Peorhyn) Morrie 5 11 1 2 loot Property (Mr Rank) 5 11 1 00 Red Wolf (Kr Riches) Kamm) 6 11 1 00 Maequery (Mrs de Eklincourt) Aothooi 6 11 1 0 Double Prince (Mr Smith) 6 11 1 0 letnneeer (Cap Jam.) ----Birch 6 11 1 ()Cannon (Kr Brown) Hall 6 11 Feather Boy (Mal Walker) 11 1 2 Lexie (14, NV Webster) Seymour 5 11.

1 0 Veldt IMr Whitney) Anthony 6 11 1 2 Trio (Mr Allard) ll Turner 4 10 ft 200 Poet's Walk (Mr II Bennett) Holland 4 10 5 00 Tribulation (C.apt Broughton) Pease 4 10 000 Binning Sands IMO Browne) Browne 4 10 8 00 Star of Zoo (Kra Gilbert 4 10 Sy OUR RACING CORRESPONDENT Excellent sport was seen at the Monmouthshire Hunt Point-to-Point meeting at Llanarth on Saturday. The most exciting finish was that for the Monmouthshire Farmers' Steeplechase, in which Irish Melody and Fearless contested the issue. It looked any odds cn the former when, after going about half the journey, Fearless failed to clear an obstacle and left the favourite with a long lead. At the second attempt Mr. R.

J. Kirton succeeded in getting the mare over, and, going in pursuit, overhauled the field to beat Irish Melody in a rousing finish by a length and a halt. No fewer than 14 horses went to the post for the Ladies' Nomination (Open) Steeplechase, the candidates being drawn from as far north as Flint and Denbigh Cheshire and west to Carmarthenshire. After a splendid race victory went to Miss B. de Winton's Polo Player (Cotswold Hunt), who was well ridden by his owner.

Results MONMOUTHSHIRE HUNT ASC. Three and a bail mites. PATRICK 6-14-0 (Capt Llston Davies) Lient-eol Madre I 14-0 (Mr 17 Corbett) Owner 2 Also ran--Cottap Fairy (Mr Coached. Agility (Mr Kirton), Bentley (Copt Whitehead) all tell Cottage Fairy. 2 to 1 age Agility.

5 to 1 Bones, 8 to 1 PATRICK and Bentley. Won by 6 Tote: Win, Centlnued In mxt column. SWANS' FIGHT 4 Manchester Unitett Good Team Work Manchester Utd. 3 ManSea Attendance. Manchester devastating mood in a at Old Trafford Iln not for a long ti HIP ha such a balaneed dlstiluy at ta Swansea were a gosid side.

who a attractively, but they abi round it off as desired be 22 opponents' tackling Wa too (1114 them for the most part. ave had a goal in each half of then, i Pthars, than who was blamed, more to be 1)1447 miht d. 1 11 better with an early chance. Hall 117. 41 was distinctly unfortunate ta in the closing stages, Hall managing to divert his oblique which travelled away from him aag7 struck a post, thus enabling recover and clear.

There was much to admire as sea's work, chiefly the readiness which they organised their attacks :4 being hemmed in by goal-hungry nents. That was no mean achieeaL. in itself, but actually they did ria ge i that. They lost a goal within two lila of the start before they had cress i 1. 1 half-way line.

Rowley scoring gliding pass by McKay. who xis class by himself as a constructive back in a grand line. Ei PEARS SAD LUCK Midway through the first halt Swim. were for a time the better side Pears made a grand scoring at with a free kick, the ball almost the crossbar, but in the lan minutes before the interval Sta scored through Mutch and Maniee. The United's defence Wa Lewis several times beat I had a big advantage over him re and Bussey and Olsen schemed dc fully.

Leyland impressed He had a wily opponent to meet Mutch but never flinched. and was glad to roam away from ait ball in the air v.ent to iu land. Behind, Lawrence and Milne models of industry, and the fact nut United failed to score after the istem is in itself striking tribute to mettlesome qualities. The game was robust b4t very and Swansea left the they are in no danger of ez Third spectator tee pleasantly surprised by the staadatde their football. Manchester United: Hal Vose, McKay; Hutch, Rowley.

Manley Swaoaea Town: Moore; Lawreaee. Warner, Leyland, Lloyd, Lewie, Martin, Olsen, Fears. MR. T. H.

PHILLIPS To Referee Calcutta Cup Match Mr. T. H. Phillips. of secured the highest appointment ma a Rugby has been to referee next Saturday's Calcutta 4, match between England and Scotia Twickenham.

Mr. 1 the secor.d Wei referee to It appointed to international ars this other being It. it J. W. Faur.

Morristoc.ca refereed the not game betslei Ireland and land and also AXA game beVate: England and So Zraland. T. H. Phillips. tire Reath.

Mr. K. 4 has long been recognised as best referees in the country. N. secretary to the Rhondda and fs Glamorgan Rugby Union.

and us several years the secretary to Is Pontypridd R.F.C. FOLLOW THE "TRUE-FORM" FOOTBALL FORECASTS THE GREAT NEW SYSTEM WHICH BEAT ALL RIVALS OVER A TEST PERIOD OF TEN WEEKS. Now that the League fixtures muddle has been cleared up, turn your 1, 2 into and do it the best most profitable FOLLOW THE "TRUE-FORM" FORECASTS IN GUIDE AND IDEAS. True-Form continued its winning way on Saturday. The system gave nine starred home matches correct out of ten, and three starred away matches correct out of four.


4 0 4,. A MONMOUTHSHIRE HUNT CLUB held Point to-Point Steeplechases on I Inmn in flu!.

Western Mail from Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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