40 jyjaijt FOBr-FiaBiiioi mun ay. December 3, 1877 SEStit*fCE KIT. NK AD VKRTIHKMKNTS. THE PITTSBURGH RIOTS. MURDER OR SUICIDE mlnlstrator for faithful application of purchase money of real estate sold lor approved and report ot sale conhrmed nti.
no Signal box No. "8," thero will ba no danger of mistaking the call. PitUImrjrh, Monday. Iec. it, 1877.
ten all this, the people of Pittsburgh have not, and never will I After the return of peace and safety, one of our largest Iron manufacturers said to the writer: "Mr. Hart, it that mob had Known our condition, owing to the lack of organization and rras, they would have plundered the banks and sacked the town And yet the remarkable presentment under review, has the amazing audacity to characterize the comfnir of these troops as "an Intended threat to our citizens, and a mark ol contumely to the county." THE CROWNING CKIJfK AOAIXST THE CITY. Now, str, what have you and your felloW-jurorS done? your unjust, untruthful and unwise presentment yon have brought lasting; disirrace to the city of Pittsbttrs-h; aroused anew the feeling; of contempt torus as a peonle which pervaded "the whole country alter the riots) created a fecllnsr of animosity In Philadelphia and throughout all the eastern portion of the State that was utterly unknown before: placed tie authorities of the State in such a position that tncy villi he compelled. In defense of their own honor, to resist tt' the uttermost all claims airain.st the state, and. fn created such a state of atlalrs that unless this document is promptly and tolly repudiated by the people not NO.
42 FIFTH AVENUE, CLOTHIERS MERCHANT TAILORS. Men's, Boys' and Children's Lanst StDCl Hi CTJ Sellin-; at tho LOWEST PRICES I I. 42 FIFTH Al IE. "CARPETS. FALL BUSINESS have taken advantage of the depressed state or tha market and bought largely of all kinds of CARPETS.
Onr prices are in all grades as low as in New York. We have always enjoyed the reputation of exhibiting the LARGEST AND FINEST ASSORTMENT OF CARPETS, DKUUOETS, OIL CLOTHS, In this city, and this season's offerings will more than ever impress the ublie witu the fact that WE ARE THE LEADINU HOUSE LN THE TRADE. OLIVER M'CLMTOC 33 Fifth 235 lil. MBNTZMER, 191 MAEKET NEW DRESS GOODS! BLACK CASHMERES FLANNELS, BLANKETS, CASSIMEEES, HOUSE 91 MARKET AT STREET. Mrs.
Polls' Patent COLD HANDLE DOUBLE-POINTED SMOOTHING IRONS AND Chinese. POLISHER Closing Hour of the Unarter Sessions Conrt The July Ktotera. Saturday having been the la3i day of the recent term of the Quarter Sessions Court, Judge Kirkpatrick oh the opening, proceeded to sentence the remainder of the con victed rioters, except the young German, Truninger, who was found guilty ot ma licious mischief. The Judge said he was not satisfied with the verdict in his and would therefore lay the it aside for the present. It has teen asserted that Judge Kirkpatrick had exhibited an undue degree of severity toward the alleged rioter daring their trials, but it will be observed that in passing sentence he exercised a discriminating clemency which is a sufficient refutation of thtt charge.
Where it was proven that the convicted party belonged to the dangerous classes no mercy was shown. A strong appeal for mercy was made in the cases of J. M. Grem, Alex. McAllister and James Carter, and the gave them light sentences tis will be seen below.
No mercy, however, was shown Matthew Marshall, who has been in the Court on three charges before. Daniel Moran who broke into the railroad telegraph cftice a' Lawrenceville and smashed things generally, was fined $500 and sentenced to six months' imprisonment in the Workhouse. J. M.Green; convicted of misplacing switches on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, but recommended to the mercy of the Court, was sentenced to pay a tine of SI, aOO aud to undergo an imprisonment of fifteen months in the Penitentiary. Alex.
MeCallister, convicted of interfering with railroad employes in the discharge of their duties, was fined SjUO and sentenced to a six months' term in the Workhouse. Thomas McCall, convicted of assault aud battery on the person of D. M. Watt, was fined 100 and sentenced to one year in the Workhouse. James Carter, convicted of malicious mischief and riotous arson, in at tempting to fire the Duiiuesne.
depot, was hncd anil given one year and ten months in the Penitentiary. Matthew Marshall, convicted of selling fire to a rail road car, was tentenccd to pay a fine of 85,000 and serve six years and ten months in the Penitentiary. TIIF. MH1I1S. Ordinance Atalnul Bullderw Obstruct Iuk Them.
Builders will take notice of the passage of the ordinance providing for the manner in which material may lie placed upon the streets, and the further obligation of plac ing red lights at each end of the heaps of building material. This has long been the case in Kasteru cities, and should have been here. It is especially imperative in the suburbs where gas light is scarce and the use of vehicles the rule. The following is the ordinance: It shall lie lawful to place building ma terials on the side of the cart wav of the public s'reetj, sotiares and alleys, but not on the foot wavs, provided alwavs that the same be put up in regular compact irms or hraps. placing btards, logs and scautling legthwise along the street, and piling stones and bricks in oblongs, the 1 ngest side running with the street or a ley, and so exercising his privilege as to leave the) gutter free and unobstructed and a passage for wngons one-half the width of the street, aud that the same shall not be perinitteii to remnin longer than may lie necessary Pr the const ruetiou of said lutiliiintf; and provided, turther.
aiso alter dark red lanterns shall 1 so placed ou the outside ends of said of building ma terial between twilight anil davbreak as give warning and prevent accidents by reason of the usi or ecupanev of said "treet, alley or highway as aforesaid, and if any person shim piace buiMing materials contrary to tte provisions herein contained he shall lav a hne of ti ve dollars for eai day the ume are so HIE IOItV tllklKV A Ttectlnat Velerctny (onrlaalon lie nc lied. A meeting of the toby makers of the two cttics was held at Piucnix Hall, yesterday afternoon, to consider the. advisability of the strike. Alsiut twenty persons were present, wlfo organized by calling John Gracey to the clour, and then went int a discussion of their grievances. Many of the men are in favor of demanding aud stripping furnished, hi'bis iual to J-J 0.
Heretofore the jours have had to pay forthejrown stripping, but tli claim that this is been the case in no city outride of Pittsburgh, Tin; manufacturers now only py and the jours do their own st ripping. The ibniand, if acceded to. will be an increase of nirt v-seven and one half cents per l.o- ti. These facts were veiopd during liie discussion. Some of tli men weri tor a strifee.
nut others counselled moderation for the reason that so few were present. There are between one hun 'red at fiftv and two hundred toby makers in the two ciiics. who from I 'O0, (. (. to toples per ween and twenty was t-tit a small representation of the whole mmiher of operatives.
Th tobies made here are all Fold to dealers in thi city, and to those of Westmoreland ravetteand Itutier counties laiiufactur- ers now receive lo to cl per l.ooo, and are willing to gi the men the increase if thty can get I. in.Mi iKiniinipi mam; hippy fly the I'rodncrrwand nnalM-lurtrt llKiik ot Tiluot Ille. Three years ago the Producers and Man utactureis ot litnsvtde was fore to cloj-e its doors, owing over So 0,000. The bank was organized in 1S70, with a paid up capital of SloO.OoO by ading capitalists in the oil region, each one of whom was personally liable for thed.bts of the concern. This gave it the confidence of the entire region and it )ecame a leading financial in-ditu lion.
he crisis I isi.i-i t.ore heavily on several of the leading stockholders," and one after anoihcr failed, owing the ank larae amounts. The bank tided over these difficulties, hut the failure of the Penusvl vania 1 ransjiortation Company, a heavy oeuior oi tne oaiiK, createn a panic among its cri ditors, and a run em-n-d, the result of which was the closingof the bank SoOO 0 0 in debt. Small depositors were paid tne amoimn due tnem. Ihe atiairsotth institution were placed under the manage ment, oi Ji. iiopKins, a trustee.
A per rentage of the indebtedness was paid, and now the mtsiei announces tuat all out- sianding claims against the bank will he paid on demand. To accomplish this re suit the original stockholders, only a few of whom remain solvent, are compelled to pay over $100,000 of the indchtedm ss. The announcement has occasioned great reioio- uig in luai, region. AMI'S KM EMTM. Opera IIousr.
I. II. Harkins, the tragedian will appear this evening in Metamora," supported by Mr. Gotthold and the company. The Louis Glohc- Itemwrat says of Mr.
Harkins performance of Othello. At tne ciose oi tne act Mr. Harkins was called before the curtain, and the repeat piauoita leit no aoiim mat tie bad won toot hold upon the very topmost round of the dramatic ladder. Several whose opinions are entitled to great weight declar ed with emphasis that they had never seen such acting ttia- even tsiilvini had fallen short of it, while Forrest in his palrnv davs I. I- IHI uau Diver niiwitu me two last acts were equally fine, and at the close the audience expressed their approval in the most enthusiastic manner.
xjIrkaky iialij. un euiiesday even ing Camilla Lrsowill give a concert at Library Hall. She will be assisted bv Miss Ivy Wandesforde, soprano; Mr. C. Tower, tenor and Mr.
J. F. Kudolphsen, baritone; Herr Benno Scherek, solo pianist. The box sheet is now open. The Jv'ew York Independent says: On making ner appearance responsive to an encore, t.
amilla was evidently moved liv the sympathy ot tier auditory, and ten derly plaved ihe Last I. ok- of Slimmer working such a magic spell upon the house that, the hus-h winch prevailed was the most impressive werliave ever known in so large an assembly. The spectacle of a woman's slender hnnd so Thoroughly ml ing an immense niiiiuu uau it a touch of the sublime. The triumph was complete, and all the more heartily ac knowledge because sue was a woman. Lyceum.
Next week Bryams' Minis: trels will'appear at the Lyceum. Sinn lotiuiir Vour Teeth and gums witn corri umg nurs, ana in jurious powders, ana use lubicaa the wholesome, fragrant mi.huosi, wnn-U confers radiant whiteness upon the teeth. and defends them from premature destruc tion. It is never used in vain, wfsijcw Fire Place Heaters. Open Stoves.
Mantles tu trreat variety. eiiraanB Patent Reflector Grate, the only reliable shaking grate use. lt. i I PM1TH 454 si Spots on he Sun Have for acea attracted the attention and investigation of men of science. bpots on marble mantles and statuary can readily be removed bv a gentle application of Enoch Morgan's Sons' Sapoiio.
it to by on Estate Of t-lizabeth Schtnaeder rlenoaaed Ad. mlnistrator authorized to borrow the sum of to be secured by mortgage in real en tats of decedent for one year. Estate ot Samuel l. iverllne. deceased.
Time for return of citation granted, exteuded until De cern ber 3. Estate of r. Cramer, aeceasn. ime lor re turn of commissioners report extended to December 8. Estate ot Henry ix.
iiicwiggen, oecaased. Administrator authorized and directed to Be 1 reiil estate of decedent at private sale. Estate 01 A lea. I ncuipavn, uecewacu. nuiiiin- Istrator directed to make quit claim to J.
D. Mvers. J. K. Snow, louis inger ana iuarjjarei.
McKnight. Kstateol Jennie McKnlght, minor. J.Harvey Patterson appointed guardian. Estate ot feaaie w. rauentuu, iiiium.
wwuiva Mcknight appointed guardian. Estate ol Benj. irimnie, ueajeioeu. oaaimn awarded to executor to show cause wny no snouiu not be disctiargea. F.state James Orr, deceased.
Letters ot administration granted to Fannie Orr vacated. UNITED 3 TATES DISTRICT COURT cdos Ketcham. Stevenson, bankrupt. Mercer county. A on Powers, unston a show eause why the order made on Uio 2utb shoiWd not be revoked.
ivooeri. Register's report liquidatinis liens confirmed ab solutely. Jackson et a vs. ti. i nooper anu Uarram.
nartners as C. Hooper. Proceed ings In bankruptcy dismissed. Sohivelv bankrupts, Connells ville. A rule was granted on Thomas Tennant to show ciuse why an attachment for contempt Sbonld not issue aainst him.
Oeorge B. Hill i bankrupts, Pittsburgh. As.ignce ordered to sell the interest of bankrupt in mortgages executed by Daniel Hartman. i.et i bankrupt, Luzerne county Register directed to exanine bankrupt and witnesses, and in the meantime proceedings are staved. Henry Andressen, bankrupt.
Potter county. A restraining oruer waa gism 6 John O. Wilson, bankrupt, Butler coanty. The nr.ivr airalnst E. M.
Moon was dis solved, and the bill fur an Injunction was dis missed. st.rnat bankrupt. Fayette county. Hear- Inif on the exceptions to tho oonhrmation of the KBifister's report liu uldating Hens fixed lor the 4th inst. Left Without Forinallly.
TliB "Iloy Orator," Master J. Harry Shannon, didn't do a rushing business at the Fifth Avenue Lyceum, which may ac count for the fact that his managers quiet ly left the city without the formality of settling newsnaoer bills. The lad showed remarkable training and marvellous decla matory powers for a child of eight years, but the Pittsburgh public generally seemed to think that he should bo attending school for his own benefit rather than be speaking on the stage to support in luxury and idleness a his. stout, healthy father. But whatever may be the cause, the lad's engagement, like the man who had him in charge, was not a paying one.
AT BLAIRSTILLE. A Rleh Treat by Amateur Talent. A young lady of this city now visiting Blair3ville writes: After spending a few pleasant days in "good old Blairaville" I heard whisperings about an amateur concert to be given in Library Hall. Although prepared to ap preciate the home talent, I was not a little surprised to find such a real treat as bad been prepared by sotneof the town's most talented belles and beaux. The opening chorus was well rendered by the Misses Maher, Fenlon, E.
Warnock, M. O'Brien, M. Henry and S. Henry followed by Mr. Conway's well delivered prologue.
The comic drama "Aunt Dinah's Pledge" was very enjoya ble. Messrs. T. Maher and L. Jrenlon sustained their characters admirably.
The music, both vocal and instrumental was ci'-refullv selected, and proved beyond doubt that success had crowned the youue folks efforts. Miss vV aroock solo and the Misses Maher's vocal duet were charm ing. Tho closing music convinced the audience that they hail enjoyed something bevond their expectations, and as for my self, I hope to have the pleasure of again hearing the ladies and gentlemen who were so successful in their hrst concert, November 30, 1877. At a meeting of the employes of the firm ef Mivllin Maloney, iron manufacturers of the city, held on the above date, the fol lowing resolutions were adopted: Whereas, It has been asserted that owing to the financial amharrasment of the said firm, it has been conjectured and so published, by the city press, it is supposed some ot the dissatisned employes bave em ploved the torch to these works. Threfore be it Kaoh eil, That we, the employes of said firm, declare the accusations to be false ami malicious, and tending to bring disrepute on the employes, who are in sym pathy with their employers in their finan cial rinbarrassem*nt.
KeM l'-ed, That we denounce the perpetra tors o-f the rash act, if it was done by the hand- of an incendiary. Jiestilt ed, That as gsod citizens we love law a.tid order, and denounce lawlessness. and that we will assist to briug to justice the tw-rpetrators of the act. Rrxnlred, That, these resolutions be pub- lisued in tne daily papers. "William Fergusow, Patrick Klvxedt, Philip Wfaver, "Walter M'Cabr, Committee.
Head a starters for warm air furnaces, and all kinds of heating apparatus. We make the warming of public and private buildings a specialty. Will guarantee satisfaction in every case and make prices lower than any otner nouse in tne city. L. H.
Smith 49 Sixth street. BOAKniNO-PeiKitu destrlna omfortab! and well-liirnabH room! ullb board nmunentot tttn. stent, can be accommodated as 'o. Ak bndakj titnvi, Aiieitaeiir. mcsciob OflBtnu.
AORWAV COD LIVER OIL.I We -rail attention PhjMciann and Ptoich-UU to our 2SOKWAV UOl L1VKR OIL. Thli we Kuarantee perlcftly jtri, reit and fhrmm, manufactured, with jrreat care and skill, from jresn ami seieeieu i wi iiTers. TKlUli, 75 CENTS PIlK BOTTLE. GEO. A.
KELLY wholesale Druggists, Tor. WOOD BT. and F1KHT AVE. oc RITEIt AND WEATHER. "Local Observations.
Ovvic tri Obssrvkk, tj. s. Sio. Hawk, UT7. KOOH23, lRST IN ATIOHAL "Pittsburgh, December Time.
I Bar I Tfi'r. Ham. 7 A. M. 2 P.
9 P. It. ..130:432 30:458 I 87 sa 75 Mean I Hlsrhest Mean thermom 28 7 I lowest thermom 23 I Kain tails. River iBlelllfrenee. The Monorjgahela river continued falling yesterday with a trifle over flv feet of water In the channel.
Capt. S. S. Brown left Saturday for Cincinnati. The Katie Stockdale ports a f600 piano in her ladles' cabin.
ihe nolle JVicCtowan is coming mp stream for Porkopolli with five empties. The Josh Cook, which grounded two boats at the 'Cfusters" last Thursday 1 laid np near this point. JosEnr Walton, the extensive coal dealer of this city has gone to Louisville te leok np his interests. On Saturday the Enterprise left Louisville ffr this port with one barge ef lroa, two barges of staves and six empties. Mr.
Kisher other coal boat annk near the Pan Handle railroad bridge. Is broken in two. The coal in It is being removed. On her arrival at Louisville, the Fred Wilson No, 2 adds six barges to her tow and pro ceeds to Memphis. Saturday morulas she passed Cincinnati.
One of the coal boats belonging to Mr. I. D. Risber sunk near Thirteenth street- South Side, Is lying with one end In shore. The boat can possibly be saved, bnt without Its cod- The officers of the Katie Stockdale, which left on Saturday for Cincinnati are Mas ter.
Captain Thomas S. Calhoon; clerk, David Wilkins; pilots, Oeorge Hughes, Rowley: engineer, Hugh D. Meore; Assistant, Clinton Archie "Warden; steward, Adam Higbgates. lpatebe. MeMrHIS.
December 2 River i-tfn kiii. Clear and pleasant. Departed Charles Moriran Cincinnati; N. C. Peck, Neworleans; Capitoi City, Vicksburg; Colorado, St.
Louts. Cairo, Deeember 2. Arrived Orand Tower, Vickburg, P. James D. Parker, Clncin-natt, a A.
Hillman, Nashville, 8 A. Maenolia. Ionisviiie i St. Louis. 4 P.M.: Kanawha.
Ohio river. 4 P. M. Maud, St. Louis 7 P.
Arkansas Belle, Evansvllle. P. M. Depart Ironrl Tower. St.
Louis, li P. ldlewifd, Evansville, 1 A. M-; ruer, jaempnis, 4 magnolia, wew eans, 7 A. Hillman. Nashville.
10 A. so. 'ommonwealth. New Orleans. P.
M-! Waud, Vicksburg, 8 P. XI. River 22 feet 1 inch and rising. Clear: mercury a. New ORiBANS.
Deeember 4- Arrived Warner and barge. My Claoieo and bsJjes, St I WISD ,1 Miles: Dir. pr. h'l We'r. w.
ttl'dy W. 6 Fair. S. Clear at Is, or for so old Mysterious Death of a Prominent Ger man Citizen. Ills Body Fonnd on the Shore of the Dlonongabels River.
The remains of Peter Jnnghans, a tailor who lived and did business at the corner of Twentieth street and Penn avenue were found in the Monohr'hela at the foot of Brady street on Saturday. The deceased was Treasurer of the German Evangelical Church at the Corner of Sixth avenue and Siilithfield Street, was a soW, honest and upright citizen of considerable influence amoug the Germans He was about forty-tire vears of age and leaves a wife and six chihi ren. There is much mystery connected with Ids dca'h and his friends believe that he was the victim of foul play. They cannot entertain the supposition that he committed suicide. On J-'riday evening he h-ft the house of his brother's widow, at Fifth avenue near Magee street, stating that he was going to Soho, to collect some hills.
Hn was last seen alive about rive o'cUck on the afternoon of Friday. When fonnd the right pocket his pantaloons Was tnrned inside out and neither money nor pocket look was found about the person, although the deceased never went without, money. His watch was found in an inside pocket. The church accounts are said to be in excellent order, and he was in comfortable circ*mstances. A short time ago he received from the Third Ward Building and Loan Association to make the last pay ment on his house.
He was a member of Schiller Ixxlge A. O. V. W. When the deceased left the house of his brother's widow he proceeded to Soho aud called at the.
house of Mr. Charles Fusz, a German friend, where he remained a short time and left to collect a bill from Jamts Watterson, who boarded in the neighborhood. Nothing was then heard of him by his friends and family until eleven o'clock ou Saturday morning, when a man called at the residence of Mr. Krusz and stated that a dead niau was lying in the run near the river. Mr.
F. accompanied his informant to the spot designated, and was horrified upon discovering the body to be that of his late visitor. Mr. Bienbauer, the undertak er, was notified and conveved the remains to his establishment on Grant street. It the meantime the family of the deceased.
who were in search of him during the night and morning, were notified ot his death, which occasioned them much grief, as he always was to them a loving husband and kind father The Iec asei has several marks of violence about his head, which would indicate that was the victim of foul play. His skull at the top of his head is crushed, his forehead is badly bruised, and he has a deep cut on the lett temple, which it. is believed was lu-tiicted by a sharp instrument. This cut could not have been received in the wafer, nor could it have been caused by falling. The family bold that he has been murdered, aud wiil not listen to the suicide theory.
When he left home he hal eiht dollars in his possession. The inquest was beeun ou Saturday and will Vie concluded to-day. Deceased wiil lie be buried from the church of which he was Treasurer, on Tuesday afternoon. wont'. ti lrtnre Contradlrteil from the Pnlplt Irom hlrh It sm itellvereal The lecture of lie v.
Dr. Justin It. Fulton, delivered at the Fourth Avenue Baptist Church on Thanksgiving evening, haa call -d out a world of criticism. The lecturer advanced peculiar views in regard to woman's sphere, and different female writers have since assailed him in print. Last evening another answer waa made to the lecture this time from the samfl pulpit by liev.
lr. Ii. Pearson, pas tor of the church. Dr. Pearson preached from the text, "There is neither male nor female, bnt they are in Christ.
Jesus." paid a neat tribute t. Dr Fulton, and proceeded to battle the views the lecturer. He maintained that woman should be allowed to seek everv avenue for employment which she can ri the sch-Hlroom, storeroom, telegraph otti and even the pulpit, views dutmctricas opposed to those enuciated by Dr. Fulton Dr. Pearson asailed the custom of giving, if not directly teaching, young women to believe that their only aim in life should Ixj marriage.
They should lie, fitted to fill picotions named even to the exclusion of men, who could find ample and profitable employment in the broad forests and in the mines. He also lielieved not universal suffrage but that there should be no taxation without representation and tiiat where woman is taxed for street or other city improvements she should have a voice in determining what those improve ments should consist ot. 1 he sermon was i direct contradiction of the lecture, so far the latter related to wotnaa. Klot Irhin. A remlar monthly meeting of the All gheny Police Committee was held in the office of Mayor Phillips, on Sa'urday even ing, when the bill of Knaps bat'ery for services in defense of the city during th railroad troubles, was presented, aud created a lengthy discussion.
The bill was referred to the Police Committee by the Finance Committee, with the understand ing that the former should report an ordinance to Councils setting apart i j00 to rav the men. biS was objected to bv some members who held that the battery was indebted to the city over S70O for rent for the past few years. They wanted Ihe battery to count their bill in with the rent, but it was found the committee had no power in th'g respect, and the action reoommended by the Finance Committee was carried out. Mayor Phillips stated that he had returned the borrowed arms to the. Arsenal and pre sented a bill of four dollars for the hauling.
which was approved. A bill of eight dol lars for furnishing sandwitches to the bat- ry men during the riots was also ap proveil and ordered to De paid, ihe pay rolls of the police for Novemlier were ap prove 1 and higned. They were a follows: Chief and four office men, 33. Pa trolmen, Kiplonlen ot Tank. Louis Zoller, a butcher, residing at No.
Spring Garden avenue, Allegheny about four o'clock on Saturday afternoon visited his slaughter house, in the neigh horhood, in company with Philip Piefer, an employe, for the purpose ot cleaning out a large tank. It being dark in the house at, that hour the men procured a lighted candle, and with it were about to look inti the bottom of the tank, when a dash of light and a terriftio puff, similar to the explosion of gunpowder, knocked both men back, bnrning them severely about the face and neck. The noxious gases which were in the bottom of the tank had ex pioaeri. a no iaces or ootn men were burned to a blister. Mr.
Zoller is most severely injured. Dr. Winans, who is attending the unfortunate man, considers the injuries not dangerous, though very pain ful. Tax on ftntldlnir Associations. The Philadelphia Building Association League have elected Hon.
Carrol Brews ter as counsel to act in the test case to de termine whether the associations organized since lfWU are liable to the payment of the tax of one-quarter of one per cent, upon their nominal capital, as Attorney General Lear holds. It is stated that the tax on the authorized capital of the Building and Loan Associations, which may be liable for it, will amount to upon each one of them. The League holds that the tax upon the associations is unjust and illegal, and its purpose is to resist, its collection by all legal means. Seven different associations this cifv are concerned. Hon.
Peter Zero has received word from Harrisburg that the test case will be brought up in that city before Judge Pearson in January next. The Free IHspensary. The following is the report of the Free Dispensary for the month of Novembtr, 1877: General Department Number of Ate tendances, 989; number of prescriptions issued, 1,107. Eye and Ear Apartment- Number of attendance, 188; number of pre scriptions issued, 210. Total number of attendance, total number of prescrip tions issued, 1,383.
ri. A pothecary. F'lBST A COLP AND THEM ANOTHER ON Top of It, until the accompanying Con ah became settled and confirmed is the sad storv of manv a Consumptive. How much netter to use that safe curative ur. jayne Kxpectorant, on the first appearance of danger, when the symptoms may be easily UUUbTUilCa.
1VS.H&W (Ktv-liead airxjyt'a Advertisem*nt The candidates for Chief of Tolice under Mayor-elect Liddell still multiply. At present the list embraces Jenr-e McCandless, Captain of th Fourteenth ward station houses Capt, Richard Fuhrer, of UieTweirth ward: Bob Hasrue; Fph Morris, the s-uller: ex-Lieut. Edge, at present In the employ of Spencer, McKay Co and ex-Chief Hartzell. The leading applicants for Mayor Clerk are J. W.
Patterson, of the South Side: Arthur Fitzpatrick, Vzzlali Stuart, Wip. Kamsey and J. P. Heisel. At least all these gentlemen have been suggested for the positions named.
PIKSOVAL F. S. Mallock, of Brockrille, Canada, a lartre property owner In Lawrenceville, i3 in tho city. Rev. Dr, I.
C. Pershing is booked for a dedicatory sermon at Turkey City, in the Clarion oil regions, next Sunday. Theo. Mosher and wife, V. S.
and A. Origet, of Paris, were registered at the Mo-nongahela House on Saturday. Miss Jean "Wallace will give a musical entertainment at McKeesport, on Thursday evening next, when she will be assessed by the Apollo Club. "William Miller, proprietor of the Du-quesne Fore works, this city, took in the St. I is Chamber of Commcres the other day whkh proved the occ asion for a complimtsntai notice to the Plttsburgucr from the St.
Louis Republican. Councilman George J. Chambers, of th South Side, it sald.to be in luck. With other he is he to a built up portion of Philadelphia, which was leised by Chambers' grandfather many years ago, the value of which the heirs now have ome hopes of securing. Mrs.
Jane Harris, relict of the late Isaac Harris, at one time one ol the most promi nent merchants of Pittsburgh, died the other day at her residence, on Samson street. She was a lile lonir member of the Allegheny Firit Presbyterian Cnurch, and a devoted wife and mother. Charles P. Hatch stepped down and out on Saturday as a manager ot tho Empire pipe line, which was recently purchased by the Stan lard Company. B.
F. Calvin, ot Potrolia, another attache of the Empire Company, will locate in this city. A large majority ot the old Empire force ceased connection witii the line on Saturday. Loaf Ills Hand. John Broderit-k an employe of the Con-nellsville Railroad, was fooling with a torpedo, on Second avenue ntar the dam yesterday noon when an explosion ensued and John lost his right hand.
He was taken to the Homcfpathic Hospital where his wound was dressed. Ilorfy Recovered. Yesterday afternoon about one o'clock, while a number of the wrecked colonizers were endeavoring to recover some of their gixls which" sunk with their frail" craf last week near Saw Mill Run, they recovered the body of William Wilson, who was accidentally drowned the day following the lerrib'e mishap, while also engaged in searching fir Home articleshe had ou board the boat-Total Abstinence I nlfln. The Catholic Total Abstiuence cieties of the Diocese of Pittsburgh assembled last evening, at St. Malachi's Hall, South Side, and organized a Diocesan Union.
The following gentlemen were elected as oflicers: President, T. J. McGrath; Vice President, J. J. Rrenna RecorJing Secretary, T.
M. Dixon; Corresponding Secretary, Terrence Deere; Treasurer, Rev. J. A. Cosgrave Sentinel, Ed.
Murray. Mayor Phillip Court. Mayor Phillips yesterday morning disposed of five unfortunates who had been arrested during Saturday night. Anna Buchanan, for drunkeness was booked thirty days to tho Workhouse. For being disorderly on the street .1.
M. Coehrau was sockad a end costs. So too were J. Mc-Williamson and Richard R. Jones, two pugilists for engaging in a tussle in the Ninth ward.
John Barrett was chalked ten days to the bastile for disorderly conduei and the court adjourned. A Pajln Office. The municipal lien dicket in the Pro- fhonotary 's office shows that Ml cases have been entered by City Attorney Rigelow during this term of Court. An attorney'. fee in each case is three dollars, which Bigelow, like any other attorney, receives At the same rate 2,01 4 cases will be'entorec by Bigelow for the year making a total of ace-ruing to him in fees, which ad ded to his regular salarv, makes the snug little sum of for one years' work for the City Attorney.
tihootlnt; at Kanifoin. Urhcers Harrison aaa enzel arrested a man named atters, near the old eievator sit, on Saturday night. They heard two shots fired and innediatoly afterwards saw Watters with a pistol in his hand running. hen captured the latter pointed and snapped the weapon at Wenzel breast but the loads had all been discharged. Then a man named Mclnerney appeared and stated that Watters had fired two shots at him nui nail missea nis mark.
Xhe prisoner was locked up for a hearing. Sfallen A JIiIobsj's Workmen. The employes of Messrs. Mullen Mo loney have adopted a series of resolutions indignantly denying the rumor that tfie works! were fired by some of the hands, and bitterly deno uncing the incen diary. On Saturday nineteen employes of the firm entered suit before Alderman Bailey against the firm to recover wages due them.
Their claims range from S13 to Sf.r6, amounting in all to about 600 or $700. The parties reside in the Thirty-fourth aud Thirty-sixth wards, and in Chartiers bor ough. Crooked Italians. The detectives are hunting for half a dozen Italian peanut venders, who are suspected of crookedness. Mr.
J. Han- nach, the prominent clothier on the corner of Market and Fifth avenne, has discov ered that a lad in his employ has been sellirfc' overcoats and other clothing, and at prices their value, to the Italians. About five or six hundred dollars' worth of clothing has been pilfered from him in this way. The Italians are the most culpable, as they doubtless per suaded the boy to commit the robberies. Allegheny I'ollee Matters.
During the month of November Mayor Phillips disposed of 193 criminal cases on the following charges: Arson, burglary, disorderly conduct, CO; drunkenness, 46; entering a I'Uiiuing to coiuiuiia iciony, horsestealing lb; fornication incorri gibility, larceny, 12; receiving stolen goods, selling liquor on Sunday, sell ing liouor to a minor, vagrancy, 20; violation of city ordinance, 12; violation of Sunday act (keeping open barbershops) total, 193. The receipts from jail commit ments, fines and police lees, amounted to S172 20. Acquitted of Murder. Isaac Hess was put on trial at Clarion on Friday for murder. Tho jury found that was not guilty, but that he is insane.
will be sent to Dixmont. The facts connected wilh the case in brief, are these: the evening of August 27th inst, Hess, the defendant shot and killtd his father, Isaac Hess, at the residence of the latter, about a mile north of the Stone Church, on the road known as the Pike. Death ensued immediately, and the same night the criminal if uch he may be called, was taken the Clarion jail by two officers of the law. He in undoubtedly non compo mentis, and the verdict of the jury is looked on righteous. Two Railroaders Killed.
Alexander Hughes, a conductor, and juciYiuoeu, a brakeman on tne Pennsylvania Central Railroad, were instantly killed at Torrens station, Saturday morning. The conductor had foot caught in a frog and the brakeman was helping to release him when engine 500 run them down. The engineer could not see them owing to the darkness. Hughes was a married man and lived on Hiland avenue. McKibben was unmarried and lived with his mother, at 3G3 Laco*ck street, Allegheny.
The bodies were badly mangled. Undertaker Myers at once sent out to dress them and place them in coffins, preparatory to sending them to their homes. The inioest was contioutd untU this morning. of Ihe Grniid jnfy Presentment Re- Tie-wed. i Another Philadelphia Outburst of Spleen and Anger.
Hon. Jama P. Barr, Foreman Grand Jury. Allegheny County, Pennsylvania My Dear Sir As a citizen of Pittshurah, deeply interested frt Its welfare, and a3ajournal-fst who has steadily and earnestly striven to prmote the material interests of its people, and as a P8nnsylvanlan, jealous of the honor and gaod name of my State, I desire to have a word with you in regard to the remarkable document which hug lately been published over your name. And, in the beginning, permit me to eay that 1 have deterred speaking fur a fortnight In order tht my words might be well weighed and utterly devoid of passion, bitterness or unjust re-traih.
WHA.T if T55 WHAT IT JS NOT. The presentment purports be a "emi-hi'licia! statement, the re nil ot an exhaustive inquiry into the eaue. oriirin, nature and extent of t.ie riots, with an nccierpanvii if verdi-t as to tke responsibility therefor: in reality It Is a labored, estrcmety bitter, astoun tinirly inaccurate and marvellonslv short-smhted Bttempt to exonerate those who failed to meet the plain imperative requirements ol the hour, and to cover with oillum those who promptly and diil thcirdutv. Weare told bv the Oram! Jurv that the source ol the difficulty extended 'thi-nuirh several States and over many thousands of miles ot railway: it was not local nor conhneil to this city, ami could not have been controlled prevented by any means. It was an insurrection, and threatened the total suspension of trade and travel; it was a rebellion asaimt authority, and most injurious to the Interests of the people." Precisely no.
and lurther. as abtimlantiv proved bv passinir events, the city of Plthu'nrh was regarded as the principal base ol operations for a larxe section ot densely populated country. Its strateiretic advantnges to the strikers had been carefully considered and tho time for the oothreak shrewdly selected, it-ranted that the Incipient trouble arose on the Baltimore Ohio, the irreat battle was be fmiifht on the lines ol the Pennsylvania and New Yr rk Central, and the time, pist prior to the movement ot the crops and the nesrinnlnif or the fall trade. Let us recall the situation in Pittsburgh. A CITY PRBPKRKD FOR A RIOT.
Our police force, throuirh the monumental Inefficiency and criminal stupidity of the City Councils, had been reduced to a patrol lorce of than a hundred men. leavinx the city atro-lutely without any protection whatever durinir the day and so inefficiently guarded at niirht that It was a physical Impossibility lor many ol the officers to cover their beats twice I none niicht. This tact had become widely known and soon the vicious classes, and especially the perambu-lailiiir portion of them, were alarmingly represented in our vicinity, and when the trouble be-isn this danirerous fraternity was infamously well handled by secret emissaries ol tlia t'-m-mune and International, one of whom the writer encountered. These men were aio at work in Altooua, liarrlfbunr an1 Phils'telphia. The strike tieaian elirht o'clock on Thur.nlay morning, and at hrst comprised les thanhlty men.
who boldlv Mtepoed in front of trains, an. I. In a manner which lett no doubt of their intentions, sternly forbade any eneirteer to tike out a freight train. Were not thee men iitrant violators of the law and liable to arreH without any proee whatever And why were they not arrested? mply because, Imm the very beirin-ninif. thev boldly defied all authority.
You eint to the fact "that one man was arres-ed (fo-aaauit). but alter this tfae crowd ot offenders and tbslr seinpath'irs an ad herents irithered rapidlv that in a lew hours, as you well know, the mocked the an horttyot thecity and county, and, as your preentment admits, when commanded by the Sheriff to d'sperse thev otedl-nately refused, holdinir their ground all IlKI IASl F. IIP AM. AUTHORITY. Their next step wa to npnnly, leerinijlv- and peristly deiv rlie authority and pTver of the State afc pivn-laiTii 1 over the name of tho Governor.
If thi waj the result of doubts a the au-then'lrity of the pnx-laaia'ion. why did the port Wavne strikers during the en uing week, hold their irround defiantly for three davs and three nights after the tiovernor hsd arrived within the State and assumed personal direetion of al-tairsand until an uverwlielniinir force of troop under his Immediate cemmariil. were within a lew hours ol the city The simple tact is that this dehaneeof the Mayor, the Sheriff and the iovernor was the legitimate consequence of the tiirit of tfie revolt, whi en. flrjt. last and all th time was the determination to cotepirr or be conquered only bv brute force.
And how was thi.v spirit enconraire 1 and fostered? The entire pre of the city, with a single exception, not only failed to condemn the nniawful aoriun ol the' strikers, to warn tbem of their peril and to nrirft them to make theirbaftie within the pile of toe law: to respect, aiov all things, it mac-sty: tint a portion of it added hre to ttie bitterness and open rebellion which threatened the peace and safe't- of the city, and the almost uni-ver-i! of ail '-Tee eom-canv fs wrunx. the men are riirht and not onlr night to held out but ouirht to be sustained," The fct that thev bad broken the law, repeatedly defied its mandates and were in open rebellion was entirely io-t sii-ht of. The citizen ipery ha It irir 5y responded to ttie roil call, and rcanv ol hem openly deeiare 1 that they evur enf'-rc the law the men whom they had been called tocrtntront. HOW Til COLLISION iK CCBIIFH. Sir.
there wa- but on alternative: the com. i pany must surrender. or tree must be used. Supt'e if had surren.1red. i-fiil as well as 1 do that the striken! freight hr-ki-mrn wa but the beirtnnm, tiie ot which would have lieen followed, wliithin lew davs.
hv a ireuefal and united resiniaoee the ortlier enforcement ot the June reduction which the directn-s of the e-tnjany, in the frankest, i lnndct and. Indet. almost htltniliatin manner, had explained lo the emplovea was an nrees-jtv to the sueeeK-fiil operation ot the road. In the sincere hojie ot avuidinir a contlb-t, the authorities deferred acfmn until a body ot troops lance. It was thought.
Pi overawe armed rl-tanee had arrived, and then, a your presentment admit, not a icitn was leveled, not a bayonet thrust, not a nb-it tired until a deadly itag made bv the nob And, yet. you call these men, sber. law-abiding, peaceable cit.iyens, evey ne of them, Su'e'y t-deamonof malke guided the pen when that damning eentenee was written. And you apply il also tu the ror.d net of tiio troop darir.g ail of hat terri tile night, when they were surrounded bv an infuriated mob howiibit for their himid and endeavorir-g tt ret them alive. Why.
sir, had ttie mob etieeed In its ilia iulical design not a man ot tbat Imt risoned floo wonNI have e-eaped And. snjipo'e. they nad emerged troin that Kuund House aed ex banned their ammunition and the je.wers of the ratling gun on no ti, as well as on the huu-and of input r-wtm cm cred tha hill" mreet would have been eoksil In blood Hut what do! they do that night The utmost rl isc! pli tie was tna in-tained. and ted a shot was tired, exeepf in self-defence, and then only after repeated warning. And what did they do on the billowing morning? Quietly marched out ol Uie cty.
tiring or.ha lew shots to frtghten and keep t-aek the inob. And ct you call these men murderers I A UITP'ISM I'KITll ISF.O. -The presentment claim that the oeenpatinn of the Kuund House "was a latal mistake, II not a crime, and invited the modent attack resorted to. which was to fire the cars to burn them out. The occupation of the adjsoent hill could have been aeeomp! ihed before or alter the hrieg without loss, and the hill could have been held against any odds." Permit me to show the fallacy tills reiterated criticism.
Let me call vour at-tent'on to the fact that the hrst bring had scarcely ceased before there were Ihe wildest threats on every hand ol wholesale arson and a bloody revenge. There was a crowd of not lestbn three thousand persons on the spor, tie-tenths ol whom openly symt with the strikers and loudlv condemned the action of he troops in tiring on the mob. although they were eyewitnesses to the fact that that it was done strictly tn sell-defense. These excited and Indignant people scattered In every direction, and thewitd- stories were ton within an nour, ui aimo'i every street corner and within evcy household, to the eltect that "a crowd of Philadelphia roughs bad brutally mur tered a score ot innocent men. omen and children." A storm ol popular fury swept over the citv and out into the surround ing (ountry.
and before the sun had set. and before there was anv public knowledge whatever of what "diFiosition was to be mnoe of the troops during the night, thousands of maddened men, many of them already utterly reckless through the Influence of irmg. were on tneir way to tne scene oi uie con tiict. vowing vengeance. Helore nine clock the citv was wholly given over to this furious mob.
who were Intent upon aceompiisiiing one ooieei vr: the ilestruct ot the railway company property, and the slaughter ol the men who had alter alt local authority nail oeen success- fullv defied, to re-establish law and order, and to prefect the lives and property ol our citizens against anv possible outbreak. Such being the siate ol a flairs, the loss of life, had the troops oecu pied the hill, would have been ten-fold greater than it was. because thev would have been ex posed all night to a raking fire from a desperate enemv. secreted amongst tne masseu carp mm no- hind adiacent buildings and houses, end In re turning the Bre would, in all probability, have killed more Innocent people than guilty. And now.
to conclude this reference, let me say that the deliberate statement of one of the general offi cers prisons is on record, that had the troops not nrea at an. tne mob woum nave upon them and disarmed them, as it afterward did a portion of that valiant vigilance committee, for wrnen tne tiranu Jury claims sucu uiuone credit AN UNFOUNDED CLAIM Now. as to the alleged suppression of the riot by the citizens and the events of the ensuing week. On this point the presentment is a model exactnfss: indeed, it seems to me that It would have been impossible lor the (rrand Jury, notwithstanding its unapproachable fertility of invention, to nave crowded more errors mn within the same space, at least without marring the marvelous symmetry and admirable com-pletrness ot its misrepresentation. 1 believe the distinguished foreman of the Orand Jury was a member of that memoranle committee ot five rent hv the eitizens" meetlnir to remonstrate with the rioters.
The treatment which that committee reeeived. and the striking unanimity with which it obeyed the lnuneton not to interfere with the work bt the mob has become historical. Asa matter ot fact, hut one building ws saved throuirh the intervention of the citizens, viz: Uie Ul shed at the foot, of Liberty street. Known as Ihe Duquesne depot, the destruction ot which wns unsuccessfully attend ted after nightfall on umlav by a lew drunken strsirirlers. With the hurninu ot the Pan Handle offices, on ttie destructive purpose of the mob was ODijinr-neu.
ltitee muef oi ma numnj nuns, and that was rr'Kanted as enoufcrn ior one lay, and the rioters dispersed, ieavinif tne ore- men unmolested to protect adjacent property. TIVINCT OVER A VOLCAJfA. The mob, however, still lived, and its spirit kept the people in terror durirtr. the ensuine six days. The city was universally resrarded as at its mercy the moment it dared to come lorth aaain fnalt its horr.bie fury.
Has theOrand Jury forHotten the thrill of terror tccasioned on Monday morninir by the announcement that lour hundred miners were comine down the luonon- ahela river with the avowed purpose ot renew- the riots anl out the town Mas lorirotten how the Mayor and (ieneral an improvised ooliee force, hastened to meet these men and beuircd thein to return peaceably their homes? Has it forgotten the alarm created by the strike of the two thousand employes of ne American iron Works, ouickiy ionoweu oy the turninir out of nearly all the miners; the almost total suspension of mercantile, bankinsr and general business; the anxions days and sleep-lcs night-: the prolot ired sessions ot the Committer of Public faletv. its appeals to the Seer. lury cf War, the urirrnt tclerauis sent by promi nent citizens to the President direct, annealing lor tro-ps, ano. finally, the universal relief felt all classes when the announcement was made. t-iturday niornlnr, that CJovernor Hartranit, with a force of hlteen hundred troops, was at "Lawrenceville? If Uib Grand Jury has lorgot.
Ii i i i I ot a lev of for MM AI, BRIEFS. ither liulkatitmg for To-Day. Kir and Ohio Valley, falling bar to westerly winds, and wanner, cirtrnr cluu-ly weather. Tun Allegheny School Controllers miM't evening. Tw 11 of the new white postal cars were iu on thu it.
Wayne road on Saturday. Tiik season of Advent, comprising tl l'Mir weeks v.rti-pillnir Christmas, commenced Tin; Directors of the Chamber of hold a regular weekly meeting this nlterniun Tin; rumor that the chimney manufacturers ivc mailt; overture! to their striking Mowers i in nut ho traced to any reliable source. Tin; Chiefs of the Allegheny departments r--eivt'i their warrants from Controller JJi'uwn tm Saturday, the whole fjotln np $2.00. The South Side iron works last night their which were extinguished i nili.w tho men to obiervo Thanksgiving Day. The South Side Christian Temperance Alii held it- second anniversary meeting In he u'htecnth M.
E. Church yesteriay alter- The chicken coop at W. A. "Robbins' premises in Allentown was robbed of a hall a dozen turUcys, chickens and docks the other nhiht. Tin; Prison Board met on Saturday to order the payment ol "19 The Health wish their Board would display similar promptness.
It was rumored on Saturday that S. Ji. W. (riil was In town. This Is not a healthy locality lor and of course there was no trHth In the rumor.
The Steel Department of the Cambria IVurks, at Johnstown, suspenaed operations on evening (or general repairs. Work will be resumed on the loth Inst. The Humane Society have taken charge ol ilrahnm, a lad of six years, who was driven Iroui his home because he could not bur enuirh to support his parents. A itox of shoes was stolen from Lang's sri-re on itur lay eveninir, but was suhseipieutly recovered In a vacant lot In the Seventh ward. Only two pairs ol shoes were missing.
A mas named Welsh, employed at I 'aimer's mill, loll from the Tempcraneeville buss while trying to dismount on Saturday, and lia 1 several ribs broken. His Injuries are serious. The probable appointees of Mayor H-'-t of Allegheny, who takes his ssat thin a month, will be A. T. Scandrett lor May- rselerk, and Capt.
Dick Wilson lor Chief ol The season of slips and broken bones is Inaugurated. Hill, a street laborer, ol' Allentown, Is the first victim. He fell upon the i-y sidewalks on Saturday and broke his riht arm. Wn.r. IIarrisox, of the East End, w.iile in the act of getting on a train on Friday in irnl missed his footing and tell teneath the oars.
Ho was caught by the platlorm and tiraii'ed a considerable distance but fortunately ri-t injure I. A man named Georpe Miller, lost his hand on Kri lay. while cutting staves at the Aome barrLd works at Titusville. A stavecaught him nod threw trim on the buzz saw. The hand was amputated.
Xk iiiilat Ott, a teamster, who fe- si b'S on O'Hara street, Allegheny, was bit on the side ot the face and shoulder by a mule yes-tcr lay. and so severely injured that be is now l.lir.d to his bed. The Allegheny letter carriers collect- i letters from the street boxes during ni: r. Th3 delivery was Registered letters, 2 wall Ic'ters. post! cirds.
10 ttvi; drop loi'er, drop postals, 7, papers, McFaki.a.vd, business mana- ircr ol the Pittsburgh Shakspeare Club, is In the ciry to- lay making arrangements lor the pre-p -atatiiin of the Lady ot Lyons, at rhilharinonie on the 6th Sie-benville Gazelle ol Saturday. The first prize at the Centennial Ki-puMUon was awarded to the Pittsburgh public -houls. City Superintendent Luekey hai just rceive! the Intelligence from State Superintendent Wicker-ham. The news is late In COm-llikC. The Mayor passed judgment on six-ti'cn common cases yesterday morning, some ot whom were guilty of workhouse oMenses.
On Saturday inornlnir Joseph Nolan was sentenced ninety days to that Institution for disorderly conduct. The fivo children whose parents, 1 homas an i wile, (Inserted them several davs and left them in a starving condl-tlun, were taken charge ot Saturday by the Powr Ji ard and furnished suitable accommodation or the winter. A vot'NO man named George Town-send was arrested In Johnstown on Saturday for hrttsir a st ifde on the premises of John Phillips He f'e incendiarism, and said he it ith a view ot imprisonment because he Is an out'ast. "While carrying a pot full of boiling cwttee the other day. Miss Birnara of the ward, tainted and the hot liquid was liied about her breast and arms.
The younjr ly, who is about eighteen years ol aire, is not p. injured. Tun annual meeting of the stock- h'lMer-' o' the Pittsburgh Conuellsville Rail-r id wli he lield in this city to-Uy. Pre-ident Kiiik will preside, and the annual re-p will be submitted. air which a boarder directors will beelei-ted.
('utave Meyer, of the corner of Pe 'nan 1 Twelfth street, charges Michael lien- siin wi frau-1, tielore Alderman He ires that Henson owed him for loard, and rit he had surreptitiously removed his bapsage t'i avoid payinu; the bill. The leading candidates for the official shoes uf Postmaster Myler, of Allegheny, whose term ex pires nest Saturday, are Wm. Stuart, a pmniinent Kcrmtilican local politician; ieor(e W. Campbell, tho Federal street hatter, and A. A.
atm in, of lie. Saturd vy Critic. Mr. Spuing, proprietor of the drug st re at the curner ol I enn avenue auu jnv.n.y street, was struck on the bead with 1 handy billy by a hltftiwayman who was obliged to '-st sir his nilia" on the appearance ol Hilly who happened in the vicinity. Says the Washington (Pa.) Reporter: It is now believtd that Kande, the Western des-p ra is JohnT.
Kd wards, who escaped from the i-h 'nirton iii with Briceland, the litMriiiTur. Jiandc, whoever he may be, Is familiar Willi various localities In Washington foi Ninth warders are organizing a colo-rization so'-lrty to settle near Kinsley, Edwards i- on'y, Kansas. Fourteen families form the col- y. four ol 'which will settle this winter In two hi'iiscs now building, and the others will follow sprinw. Eijiht hundred acres ol land have been selected.
A petition in bankruptcy was filed liv W. J. Hamilton, tho jeweler, on Saturday. '1 ivn ol li is eastern creditors are pushing him but the with whom he has been dealing have no'iii him that they will receive further orders sown as his nllalrs are fixed up. They have lirc-it confidence in his intensity.
The newspaper statements concerning the Sharpsburn; Savings Bank to the etlect Unit jior cent, will be paid, are 'd. Howard J. Shurtlefl, attorney ol the ink, says no authorized statement of tii or capacities has yet been made. 'I he directors ill meet tomorrow to lurther con-r ler tl.eir Kei Argbaves, abas Adams, ho was arrested by Detective Perkins, for pass-1 eountcrlelt money, and In whose H.ssssin in of the was found, was prisoner No. of the Western Penitentiary, whose death a u'lude to on Wednesday, lie was sentence by Jr.
i.re Ketch am in October, 1S7, to In ye s' imprisonment in the Penitentiary. The 2'aupers of the Allegheny Home lire not without Tbcy It ave passed resolutions of thank to the Htreetors lor their evellent turkey dinner on Thankf(rlvln Day, and -cully thanaing Mr. T. F. Orubbs, the s-tperinteiKient, ana nis eflnrts to iniiKc liiem nappj- per occasion.
A temperance meeting was held last -en in? in the Arch Strest M. K. Church, Alle-Kiieny, under the auspices of the I. O. or I here was a larie attendance.
The meet- li wins lcil li d'-cHscd tiy A. N'. the cl.o'.r. N. M.
Butler, sod wu ad-r. V. Bradley, J. McNair and Col. liulc.
Ihe emiting was conducted Piof. W. Slack, leader, and wu ol oolor. Chief Engineer Evans has notified men that eiajht taps of the gong v. no'JIy theui that more bote is needed at any Mullen.
Moloney hre the boss was too ri, -t to do sorvice, and tho second brought steamers which wer n.t required. are neeltd the he given a usual. AiVteioli he He On to as c. on his No. was BOTTOM JPirllCES.
LINDSAY, STERRIT LEADING HARDWARE HOUSE, 2lLIBERTr STltEET, ILet, nttsbnrglu FURS AND SEAL SflCQlJESTl JAMES CALDWELL, 115 and 117 Federal Allegheny. Choice stock of Furs and Seal Sacques, Matelasse and Beaver doth Sacques and Circulars in great variety and Low Trices Special attention is invited to our stock of Black Dress Silks, th best in the market, full 24 inches wide, unsurnassed for hrt onlv will nothing but a save the already Ic irlully burdened taxpayers oi Allegheny county Irom the penalty of damaires, but the evil effects upon the Industries and ail the material interests of our blijrhted city will be felt tor many vears to come. In conclusion, 1 have only to Fay that, prior to the appearance ot this presentment, a movement had already been inaugurated in the eastern portion of the State, and that with irood prospeet ot success, to have the I legislature, at Its onmln'X session, enact a law which would virtually relieve Allegheny county from the pending burden: hut be fate of such measure now is problematical in the extreme. There was a KTOwinir feelinif oi sympathy for Pittsburgh in its treat tiiistortune which has suddenly changed to that of resentment and disgust. I am, sir, very sincerely yours, Kdwis K.
Hart. Late Editor Pittsburgh Telcyroph. PniLAUKLPHiA, November 30, 1S77. TIIEf-Ul'KTs'. A larirc amoBnt of routine business was transacted in the several Courts on Saturday, which will be found in the record.
No matters ot tm portance transpired. DEOF.SIKER TKI1M OF THE CHIMIN A I. COURT. Annmborof important cases will be trie! In the December session of the Court of Quarter Sessions, which commences to-day, with Judge Fetternian on the bench. Forty riot cases ara put down for trial this term.
There will also be two murder case'. (leorge Roesche awaits trial for the murder of Casper Weyman, who he is charged with kill I nir In a beer hall in A llegheny on September PJth last. Anton Tolan awaits trial tor the murder of Daniel Connors. Both were deckhands on a steamboat, and on election day last thev got into a row. when Tolan struck ionnors with a brick.
Connors was taken to Passavant's hospital, where he died on Novem ber a couple of weeks afterward. Another im portant case is that of John Yonng. William Da vis. James Cisev, Henry Hans. Wm.
Rivers Je'irge Kent. John N- rrisand Wm. Martin, who were arrested lor burglary In North Star, wm Unties, Martin Drenning and Patriek O'Hara. three miners, are eharged with setting hre to the bouse and barn of their jilt boss, with whom they were at loggcrneaas. THE fJRAVI) JURORS.
ollowing Is the list of names of the tfrand Jury lor the coming term John Hinz. laborer: Ilobt. Carson, grocer: John Craig, carpenter: Wm. Vow-el, policeman: Wm. Cuder, plasterer: The9.
Duncan, farmer. Wm. Herron, real estate agent: Hazlett. gent; K. P.
Holland, clerk 'hsiries Jackson, laborer; James Leslie, farmer J. I. I-anc. gent: treo. McKee, farmer; Mercer, laborer: Thomas Murray, null hand Alex.
McKim. hammerman: John W. Nesbitt firmer: I 'hrist Seibly. farmer: Campbel I Stewart, carpenter: John carpenter: John Thorn. M.
I Jihn M. White, farmer; James Young, ex-toil iceepsr. JAIL CALENDAR. The jail calendar is as follows: Klot Samuel Armstead, Michael Bliss. Wm.
Craig. Robert Campbell. D. W. Davis.
Harry fJolf, Washington ileorge, John Kidd, Alonro Milnor, Wm. Phi lip3. -I. liichardson alias Monkesr Jim. A.
F. stratift Jai-ob Seymour: arson Wm. Butler. James B-iVd. Dmnie Martin, I-emts Fisher.
Rob ert triliespie, Jacob Oreen. Bernard McOraw, Patrick O'Hara. Martin Patterson: malicious inisch el John Hmphv. Thomas Devlne: high way robbery John Robinson ahat Cheesev, ra. soeeiman, agner: entering build Ing with intent to commit felony John Htickley.
Wm. Davis. Henry Halns. Peter Joyce, tieorge Kent, Wm. McCalla.
John rns, Wm. Klvers. Con. Sexton, John Young: larceny James Casey, Jack Donaldson. Wm.
Davis Wm. Fess. Oust Franklin, Herman Ter'ing, Oallagher (from the person). Henry Mains, Barney Haley. Jacob Hasley, Oeo.
Kent. Win. Martin. John Malaley. ames Me-Afiuitv, John Norris, Wm.
James Wll-s--n from the person), Harry Walters. John Young: horse steal id James Casey (two charges wm. Davis (two charges). Henry Hafns 'two Oeorge Kent dsn ehargesj William Martin (two charges), John Norris two William Rivers (two charges). John Young two chtrges keeping isorderlv house Belle Crabell.
Kdward Jack-i son: murder William Phillips, Oeorge Roesch. Anthour Tolan: asault and battery Patrick Burke: desertion Anton Vogel; indecent assault John "larK: mayhem Alfred Jon: surety of the peace Kdward Jackson. Wm. Kline; assault with Intent rob Caleb Jukes; aiding a prison-j er to escape Patrlclf Mcgraw; and b.tardv Wm McDevttt: aggravated assault and battery Micbe F.llhart: burglary Thoa. (rearing: Charles Thomas: misdemeanor A.F.
stratiff: rape .1 as. i aUagher: assault and bat-j tery with Intent to commit rape Jos. Hock. fonrt Reeord-Satnrday. COMMON PLKAS co*ckT NO.
1 JrneKS STOIVK Ap CoM-IKK. S. W. ill, lor use. v.
Samuel Shafer. Rule to show cnuse why judgment should not be opened and defendant allowed to defend. Foi7 A Jordan vs. Wm. Smt'h i Sons.
Motion fur new trial en part of plaintiff. Peter Pollock vs. John D. Shaub. Sheriff directed to sell certain property described in petition.
Court ex rel. John Watson. Commit tee directed to pay Matilda Watson tioo per annum. Keeong vs Koeroer. Prothonota-y directed to pay T.
F. Mellon the monev In court K. F. Quick v. F.
Drebrlch. Prothonatorv ordered to pay W. C. Woolltain the proceeds of sale nt property claimed hv torn Fred. 1 1 winner vs.
Kd. Kr-benlanh es al. Rule to open lodgment as to thas. F.rchenlanb. (iot'licb Mauiick vs.
Catherine Maultrk. Rule to -how cause why amendment should not be allowed, Mkm P. Welsh for use vs. Wjj. O.
Lorce. al. Sherif! ordered to sell the property in the order tirayeii for. MeClurg vs McClurg et al. Leave granted to file affidavit of J.
Allen in reply to petition of piai-till. Mamri-t Herron vs. the City of Pitubnrgh. Deeree ol urn cauejso opened and plaintiff allowed lo tip, an answer within thirty days homas A. Cain vs.
Margaret Herron. Plaintiff gra- ted leave to amend by changing the ac tion Irom debts to cajie. W. H. Campbell vs James P.
Reed. Rule to show cause whv service ot summons should not be stricken tl and time fur tiling affidavit of delerie extende I ten days alter the rule shall hare been di po-ed of K. Nichols et al. vs J. R.
Mills. Rule to show cause hy judgment should not be ojiened, set aide. Jacob Kobstock vs. tha Robt. Blume Bulldtnr and Iian Association, ji equity.
Bid disttii-Fed at cost of 'tnplatnant and ordered that 100 De taxed on Master's fee. John Snee assignee vs. Samuel J. 'ham-beriain. Case ordered to be placed at foot of trial list.
Samuel Hy vs. Reed previously re-poi-ted. On trial before Judge Fetterman. John F. McDonald et al.
vs. James trruhbs et previously reported. Jury out. larolina Kul! vs. otleib Kull.
Charles Kloman appointed commissioner. 1 he Independent I rder of the Brothers and Sifters of Moses, of Pennsylvania, was granted a charter ot incur; ortion. Voluntary assignment of Andrew Frazier. Assignee's account conhrmed absolutely. Wm.
Moonshinne vs. J. B. Poor. Andrew Burrs discharged trom receivership.
Voluntary assignment of John T. Duff. Assignee's aoc'iunt confirmed i Vimuionweaith ex rel. vs. Agnes S.
Thompson et al. Petition dismissed and cnlldren remanded to he rnstod of the mother. The Regular Baptist I'hurch Extension Fund Society was granted a charter ol Incorporation. TlilAL LIST FOB MONDAY. Cases Nos.
9H, 1W2, 1W. 1S, 197, KiO, 48 16i 167, 171, 1S7, 3, 4, 6, 6. COMMON PI.KAS COUKT ISO JtrmiEs Ewj'oa-d White. F. A.
Spane vs. Klchard Splane. I-tbel In dl vorce. uhpoena awarded, returnable first Mon day tn .1 anuarv. H.
Mehol-for use vs. I). Nicholson. Rule to show eause why juiiicment should not be open ed and defendant let tntoa defense, in the mean time execution Issued tie stayed for all except on cosis aim nen oi execution to remain, re- uirnsmie l'ecemoer s. Jos.
H. Cherry vs. K-isewell. Petition of petitioner urranted ami Prothonotarv directed to strike oil the iitdarment without preiudfee. Voluntary assignment of Scott As.
I-ake to Jss. wooilburn. heport ot assignee eonnrmeil nisi. and tihnif reoort to be made and published: if no exceptions are nled by Saturday, l--eetnber 22, is, saiii report wju oe connrmeu atisoiutelv. Harries et al.
vs. azzam et al. Kule lo show cause why the name of J. Ijivlnirston should not he stricken off as pluintift. Michael Kleo vs.
Henry Anderson. Kule to show cause why mdirment should not. be entered aeainst e'efendant lor tne amount of the verdict without costs, and why defendant's bill ot costs should not be set on against plaintiff sjudg-ment. Ann Fairfield vs. (ieorire Fairfield.
Rule on respondent to show cause why he should not pay tee sain costs in accoruaiice wuo tne provisions said decree or in aetauit tnereot an attach ment to issue, returnable December 15th. Commonwealth ex rel. James Hvrne et al vs. Central Hulkling and Loan Association, of Pittsburgh, et al huleon defendants te show cause why a mandamus should not issue. James Montague vs.
James M. Uau et al Wm. A. Stone appointed receiver. Caroline Waltber.
by her next friend, vs. Win. Walther: libel in divorce. SubDCena awarded. Isabella Fartriujre, by her next friend, vs John Jr.
Partridge: libel In divorce. Subpoena hi ueu. Mary Mver. tiy her next friend, vs John Meyer; libel in divorce. Alias suhpoL'ne awarded.
Voluntary assignment ot Scott 4t Lake. As signee's report conhrmed nit. airman vs. airman. W.
C. Anderson ap pointed commissioner. trial list formokdat. Wiseaberiter vs. Jtanfield et Kenned vs.
Knox, administrator: Morrison vs. Barton: Kel- vs. Mi'Ke Blondia (7 eases Mellon vs. sioller: Wilson vs. Chalfant et Mundroff vs.
Hiliespie: altenbativjh vs. sarver: Hare, for use. vs. Keheret Kichards vs. Bidweil: Citv Allegheny vs.
Met reerv: Covle vs. I.anahan; lones et al. vs. Pittsburgh. Cincinnati A.
St. Ijouis Kailway i.Vimpany (2 cases): Jackson vs. Kirkwood et Kelley vs. Perchment et aL lil'AKT SESSIONS COURT Jcdge Kirk patrick. Sentences were passed in this eonrt to-day Iren will be found elsewhere.
The December ession commences on Monday, with Judge Fet terman on Hie benen. trial list for mosdat. Commonwealth vs. Klchard Kidd et Chas. Blymer et al.
ORPHANS' COTJKT Jtdge Hawkiks. Flstate of John D. Robinson, deceased. Time rlmir report of commission appointed to make partition extended ten days. Instate of Geo.
E. Lonir. deceased. "Widow's appraisem*nt presetted and approved. Kstato ot" Laura E.
Moore and Lncy E. Abrams, minors. Bond ot guardian with sureties approved. Etat of David Chest, deceased. Bond of ad finish and durability, warranted atih.
arp asnmeres and Henrietta CUith, front $1.00 fo $2.25 per yard. Black and Colored Cashmeres and Merinos, from SOc to yard. Knickerbocker, Bourettes and Fancy Suit-ingsin great variety. Beaver Clotlis Cliineh ilia and Matelasse Cloak ings, front $2.00 up. CloaJs made to order in Superior S'yTe and Workmanship.
Blankets, Flannels, Cloths, Cassimeres and Jeans. Black and Colored Silk reliefs for Cloaks and Trimmina. daJoona. Avenue. .91 STREET FURXISHIXG GOODS, 91 not to cut or turn greasy with wear.
AHUSEKEKT ADVERTISING RATES. Foilowlnir Is the rate charred for advert! sa. ments nnder the head or "imafMnmu" in thi oclamn- Sq. I time. I Sq.
7 I Sq. 1 SO 1 Sq. 8 times. I Sq. times 3S Sq.
1 l. 4 OO I Sq. IO SO 1 Sq. ttmiw 75 1 Sq. II 7 1 Sq.
6 4 OO 1 Sq. la 8 iXl AMUSEMEIfTS. PITTSEURCIIOPERA EOCSB. J. Nwwtoii Gotthold The Representative American Tragedian, O.
II. HARKISS. Monday and Tuesday Evenings, December and 4. MET AMUR A. Wednesday, Deeemher ft OTHELLO HARKINS MATINEE SATURDAY.
Monday Evening, Dee. 16, BOf CICAULT COAIEDY CU31PANY in MARK1AOE. LIBRARY IT AXIs. Ellsleb Jahhiho Lessees and Managers Wednesday, Deeember 3, One Night Only CAMILLA UK. SO GRAND CONCERT, In which she will fee assisted ky Mtrel-VT WANDESFOBD Sepraae.
Mr. O. TMER f.n,,. Rt'DOLPHSEN BinloM. BENNO SCHEREK Pianist.
FREDERICK LUER Dlr-tr. -Boi sheet new epea. Prices as staai. JL TJCTIOJf SALES. Sals uf Haliflaj Goois NOTIONS, JETTELliT, THURSDAT, Decemrr.
at tke Whelewla Auction Rooms, No. 1 WOOD STREET. 1 am directed by the Assignee te sell at Aae-tlon the fellowing seasonable coeds, eesaprUiac 1,100 Lou ef Kotion, Toj. Fancy Goods, IlobcsaUi Ulassware and vases, Tilet Set, Jewelr, Cntlerj, Ae. Ooeds will be arranired for niBin.n..
eatalotrne, early on the morning el sale which commence at 9 o'clock a every lot will be sold wlthent rese'rfe J- HARTFORD. Wholesale A aeUeoeeA Stocks Bonds glr1 CHW AMtax-o nr AY EVENINO, Deeember 4, at 7 shares rim Natiemal Bana of Pittebargk. Plnnntrtnu lfnM.u First Mertirare Beads Scsjerjet sai Mineral Feint X. JOHN D. BATT.FV TTriLL BE SOLI.
OX AfCOFNT OF Tt whom ttnarmnMrn i tf i itr COMMERCE, T( ESPiy' ETEN1NU, Do. eember 4th, at 7 e'eloek, SS.60O First Mortgaee Bands ef the Somerset imnerai folnt Kaiiroad. JOHN D. FAILET. Aoetleaeer.
J0II3 T. GKAY, HOUSE SIGN PAINTER No. 6S Biaxaond myil eod Fu-ahiirslt Fringes, Buttons and Trimmings. Louis. Departed My Choice and St.
Louis. Weather clear and cold. tWAweviLL. December a. Weather clear.
Mereury ilte 38 dee. Barometer near so Hnr Klver declining with 21 4-10 feet on (caajje. Port Hst Up Cherokee. lant night: E. H.
Dur-fee, P. M. to-day: RoM and tew. S. Down Urey Eagle.
3 P. B. H. Coote and Evane-ville, J. Neal, T.
Business lively. Itally Bnlletlm. Omri or thi Obskrvatort, PiTTSBt-Buu, December 1, P. SI. Cairo Ther.
5: Cincinnati Ther. 30. clear. Davenport Ther. S4: lair.
Denver Ther. clear. Indianapolis Ther. ii; S. elear.
Keokuk Ther. 42: clear. Leavenworth Ther. clear, louisvllle Ther. 28 S.
clear. Memphis Ther. 33. irlear. Nashville Ther.
i5: clear. Omaha Ther. 35: S. clear. Pittsburgh Ther.
25: clear. Salt Lake City Ther. 82: eiear. San Francisco Ther. N.
elear. Santa Fe Ther. 25; clear. Shreveport Ther. 2-: M.
clear. St Louts Ther. clear. Tlckshurjr The'. elear.
irfrinia Citv Ther. 14; cloudy. Fort tlihjon Ther. 42: clear. Dodfre City Ther 47; S.
elear. Pioche Ther. as: ciear. Sacraincnto Ther. 69; N.
elear. Winnemncca Ther. 2: elear. none city ther. 28; cleor.
York Items. "Sew York, LVcember 1. TL following is the weekly bank statement: LoaDB, increase S3.fry;.R00 cipecie, decrease Legal tenders, increase 630,500 Deposits, Increase 72.600 circaiatien, increase 9,800 Leserve, decrease P94.950 Ihe United Mates torredo boat "Alarm" collided "November 2Sth, off Barnegat, with the schooner C. C. Hreoks.
from Virsinia. causing the latter to leak badly, and carrying away her sails. The Alarm took the Bchoontr tow, but the hawser parting. returned to this port to replace tha boat loss. ias ior tjerernment cold arrrpiratA to.iiiu.uuv at irom ioa.38 to 102.87.
The award will be made at from 102.81 to 102.87. The "November failures in "New York city are about the same in nnmher as lut month, bat the acereeaf liabilities in round numbers two million dollars are fortnnataly only one-half what they were wi ia ut r. QUICKLY CUSEO. ALL FORMS or Private anil iDimnKniiauii the Olrard MedlcU Dlspcnfaarj, No. H3 sixth avenue, PlttSbUrct.
a Th nninrlsun regular graduates of medicine and sursery, a uipioma at omo wm snow, are longer ennaw and the most successful, as their extensive eity priotlce wUl prove. Age, with erperleno, oan relied on. Syphilis, OonorrhOBa, Oleet, Strletura, OrchJt Hernia, all Cri nary Diseases, and Syphilitic Mercurial affections of the Throat, smn ot Hones, are cured In the shortest possible time that will insure permanent relief. Spermator rhora, or Seminal Weans and tmpoteney, a the result of sell abuse in youth, or ezoesg in ni rurer years, and which produces some of the fol lowing effects: As emissions, Diotsnee, debility dizziness, nervousness, dimness of.s'Kht, cough Indigestion, constipation, despondency, cocfo. rinuL aversion to society, loss of mmnn and sexual iower, and which untts the a business or marrlase, are thoroughly at a permanently cured.
A medical pamphlet re. f.rinir to th above diseases, with 2A r.i,.. piiu for domestic use. sent to anv cents. This pamphlet should be read bv ii and young married or All eomm nlcaUons confidential.
Address mm 6IKABU MEDICAL WSPE5HAB 83 Sixth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. Office hours trom 9 A. M. to fromJf.M.to7P."as Sunday nyUidkWly On will Will.