Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (2024)

Last updated on Jul 27, 2024

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Know Thyself


Set Goals


Seek Feedback


Reflect Regularly


Adjust and Adapt


Plan Action Steps


Here’s what else to consider

As an HR Consultant, your career growth is often a reflection of how well you understand your strengths and areas for improvement. Self-evaluation is a powerful tool that allows you to take charge of your professional development. By regularly assessing your skills, setting personal benchmarks, and reflecting on your performance, you can identify opportunities for learning and advancement. This proactive approach not only enhances your expertise but also demonstrates a commitment to excellence that can set you apart in the competitive field of HR consulting.

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Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (1)

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  • Sandeep Gautam, Chartered FCIPD, SPHR® MIT Sloan MBA | Dean's Fellow | Experienced HR Head | Chief Human Resources Officer | Top 50 Economic Times Young…

    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (3) 3

Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (4) Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (5) Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (6)

1 Know Thyself

To start your self-evaluation journey, take a deep dive into your current skill set. Reflect on the projects you've handled, the challenges you've overcome, and the feedback you've received. This isn't just about patting yourself on the back; it's about recognizing the unique value you bring to the table. By understanding your strengths, you can leverage them more effectively in your consulting practice. Simultaneously, be honest about areas where you're not as strong. Identifying these allows you to seek out resources, training, or mentorship to bolster your capabilities.

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  • José Echeverri VP de Recursos Humanos en Gildan | Speaker y Mentor Ejecutivo | Transformación | Autor del Libro "Liderazgo Imperfecto"
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    Algunas puntos a tener en cuenta:- Mirate al espejo siendo autocritico, reconociendo donde haces la diferencia y donde no.- Asegurate de validar tus percepciones con diferentes personas, no solo tus amigos. - Incluye en la lista personas que te ayudaran a validar tu percepcion a personas que tengan diferentes relaciones contigo, laborales, personales, jefes anteriores, incluso personas que consideras tienen una relacion tensa contigo.- Utiliza herramientes psicometricas para entender mejor tus fortalezas, oportunidades y tu estilo de personalidad.



    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (15) 5

  • Sandeep Gautam, Chartered FCIPD, SPHR® MIT Sloan MBA | Dean's Fellow | Experienced HR Head | Chief Human Resources Officer | Top 50 Economic Times Young Leaders | BW HR 40 under 40 | Gallup Certified Strengths Coach | Talent To Value Practitioner
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    An honest self-evaluation is a powerful tool for understanding our strengths, areas for improvement, and overall effectiveness. Our strengths help us build capabilities to achieve extraordinary results, while recognizing areas for improvement motivates us to address gaps. This process allows us to connect the dots seamlessly and present our most confident selves to clients.


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (24) 3

  • Cynthia Radiati Duarte Lic. en Psicología. Profesional en Bienestar, Desarrollo y Gestión de Personas. Docente y Psico Colibrí.
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    Es de gran importancia conocer nuestro VALOR y nuestra DIFERENCIACIÓN como profesional, como persona. Esto requiere compromiso con uno mismo y esfuerzo, pero vale la pena conocernos, saber quiénes somos, qué queremos lograr y a dónde queremos estar. Conocer la historia que nos contamos y qué contamos. Ser proactivos, conscientes y consistentes con la vida que queremos vivir. Es un recorrido de aprendizaje permanente que nos engrandece.



    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (33) 2

  • Damini Dhiman Human Resources Professional
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    Self-evaluation is essential for HR consultants aiming to advance their careers. Regularly assess your skills, accomplishments, and areas for improvement to stay competitive. Reflect on feedback from clients and colleagues to identify strengths and weaknesses. Set specific, achievable goals and develop an action plan to address gaps. Stay informed about industry trends and advancements to ensure your knowledge and skills remain relevant. Seek opportunities for professional development through courses, certifications, and networking. By maintaining self-awareness and committing to continuous improvement, you can enhance your expertise, provide exceptional service, and drive your career forward.


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (42) 1

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    Self-evaluation is my secret weapon in HR consulting. I take time to reflect on my projects and interactions, noting what went well and what could be better. This helps me refine my strategies and skills continuously. I also seek feedback from clients and peers to gain different perspectives. Setting clear goals based on these insights keeps me on track for growth. It's like fine-tuning my consulting toolkit, ensuring I stay sharp and relevant in the ever-evolving HR landscape.


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (51) 1


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2 Set Goals

Once you've identified your strengths and weaknesses, it's time to set career goals. These should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example, if you're looking to improve your knowledge in employment law, a goal might be to complete a certification course by the end of the quarter. Goals give direction to your career path and serve as motivation for continuous improvement. Remember to revisit and adjust these goals periodically to reflect your evolving career aspirations as an HR Consultant.

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  • Sandeep Gautam, Chartered FCIPD, SPHR® MIT Sloan MBA | Dean's Fellow | Experienced HR Head | Chief Human Resources Officer | Top 50 Economic Times Young Leaders | BW HR 40 under 40 | Gallup Certified Strengths Coach | Talent To Value Practitioner
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    Crafting career goals is key to achieving your aspirations as this helps in focusing energy and resources in the right direction. You may have multiple career goals, short term, medium term and long term, and may develop an action plan for it. Prioritizing the goals provides clarity and d allows us to stay in our path. Feel free to take guidance from career coaches who can help in all the required steps. Career coach can prove to be a great investment.

  • Soni Deshmukh Talent Acquisition specialist
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    Identify Core Competencies and Skills.Set Clear Goals.Create a Self-Assessment Framework.Regular Self-Reflection.Seek Continuous Learning and Development.Implement Changes and Track Progress.Adjust and Adapt.Celebrate Successes.Seek External Feedback & Document Your Journey.

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    Estabeleça metas com certeza, mas não surte! Pense no que espera e os caminhos que pode tomar para alcançar essa mudança, pense nos recursos também; Verifique se você é uma pessoa ansiosa estabeleça prazos reais, metas diárias só ajudam se sua mudança for a curto prazo, algo mais duradouro precisa de um plano mais elaborado. O linkedin disponibiliza mentores que podem te ajudar com informações e com apoio. Procure outras redes e esteja perto das referencias em seus objetivos entenda como elas chegaram la e use exemplos para traçar seu plano de forma assertiva !


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    Set SMART career goals based on your strengths and weaknesses. For example, aim to complete an employment law certification by the end of the quarter. Goals provide direction and motivation. Regularly revisit and adjust them to align with your evolving career aspirations.


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3 Seek Feedback

While self-assessment is crucial, external feedback provides a different perspective that can be invaluable. Reach out to clients, colleagues, or mentors and ask for their honest input on your performance. This feedback can reveal blind spots in your self-evaluation and offer insights into how others perceive your professional abilities. Be open to constructive criticism and use it as a springboard for growth. Remember, feedback is not just about finding faults; it's about discovering new ways to excel in your role.

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  • Sandeep Gautam, Chartered FCIPD, SPHR® MIT Sloan MBA | Dean's Fellow | Experienced HR Head | Chief Human Resources Officer | Top 50 Economic Times Young Leaders | BW HR 40 under 40 | Gallup Certified Strengths Coach | Talent To Value Practitioner
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    Feedback is an amazing gift and a valuable tool for self-development. Seek feedback actively and never to defensive about it. It is important to carefully understand the feedback and evaluate if it helps you achieve your goals or is just a distraction on something that is not in your control. Work wholeheartedly on constructive feedback and express gratitude for those who provide it.


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (92) 3

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    Seek feedback from clients, colleagues, and mentors to gain diverse perspectives on your performance. Embrace constructive criticism as an opportunity for growth and improvement. Use this input to uncover blind spots and find new ways to excel in your role.


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (101) 2

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    Tão difícil o momento de pedir um feedback. Pra quem pedir? O que perguntar? Como pedir ajuda? E se falarem mal de mim? A máxima de que todo feedback é um presente, nem sempre é real. Escolha com cuidado. Pense no quanto você confia de fato na visão daquela pessoa e se ela tem vivências que podem contribuir para te ajudar a crescer com essa visão.



    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (110) 1

  • Juan Camilo Duque Cruz Liderazgo / Estrategia / Ventas B2B / Marketing / RRHH / Desarrollo Organizacional / Formación / Comunicación / Creatividad / Trabajo en Equipo /
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    Difícilmente se puede acelerar el procesos de desarrollo profesional sin una retroalimentación asertiva; la ausencia de la misma hará que los errores sean señalados cuando es demasiado tarde. Finalmente aunque somos seres sociales, internamente estamos en una burbuja de habilidades, pensamientos, sensaciones y sentimientos, que según el contexto hay que moderar o potenciar según las metas personales, del equipo o del negocio.


  • Nicole Cader Cyber Security Learning Lead
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    Feedback is critical. Coupled with knowing oneself and what one is striving for. If I’m only taking my perspective then I miss out on the other side. The side I can’t possibly see


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4 Reflect Regularly

Make reflection a regular part of your routine. Set aside time each week or month to review your recent work experiences. Think about the successes and the setbacks, what you've learned from each, and how they align with your broader career goals. Reflection is not just a retrospective exercise; it's about connecting past experiences with future opportunities. By making this a habit, you'll cultivate a mindset geared towards continuous learning and self-improvement.

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  • Sandeep Gautam, Chartered FCIPD, SPHR® MIT Sloan MBA | Dean's Fellow | Experienced HR Head | Chief Human Resources Officer | Top 50 Economic Times Young Leaders | BW HR 40 under 40 | Gallup Certified Strengths Coach | Talent To Value Practitioner
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    Regular reflection helps us evaluate our actions and their impact on our lives and others. Journaling is an effective way to establish a daily reflection habit. By identifying a few positive actions and a few unproductive ones each day, we can rapidly improve ourselves.


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (135) 2

  • Juan Camilo Duque Cruz Liderazgo / Estrategia / Ventas B2B / Marketing / RRHH / Desarrollo Organizacional / Formación / Comunicación / Creatividad / Trabajo en Equipo /
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    Salir del automático le llamaría a este paso. La costumbre, la inercia, las creencias arraigadas pueden hacer que no nos demos cuenta de nuestras oportunidades de mejora. La reflexión continua y la retroalimentación oportuna pueden romper con prácticas susceptibles de mejorar.


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    Reflecting regularly involves taking time to think about your experiences, thoughts, and feelings, and considering what you can learn from them. Here are some benefits of regular reflections as follows :1. Improved self-awareness : Understand your strengths, weaknesses, and motivations.2. Enhanced learning : Identify areas for growth and development.3. Better decision-making : Consider past experiences and outcomes.4. Increased productivity : Adjust strategies and approaches.5. Reduced stress: Process emotions and gain perspective.

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    Uma coisa que funciona muito bem e aprender com seus acertos e erros; Mas Nah como posso aprender com meus acertos? Simples, fiz bem como posso fazer melhor? Errei, puxa onde foi que eu errei e o que eu poderia ter feito diferente ? ao finalizar uma tarefa faça pelo menos 5 perguntas sobre ela e deixe isso registrado em um diario ou planilha. Quando se deparar com a mesma situação terá um plano para lidar com ela.


  • Luis Basurto Consultor Estratégico y Experto en Derecho Laboral y Recursos Humanos | Asesor Ejecutivo en Relaciones Laborales y obligaciones patronales | Auditor Especializado en RRHH
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    Adoptar esta práctica ayudará a que seamos un ejemplo positivo para nuestros colegas y subordinados; es una buena manera de promover una cultura organizacional centrada en el crecimiento y desarrollo constante por medio de la autorreflexión como equipo. En resumen, la reflexión regular es una herramienta poderosa que puede transformar tu carrera y potenciar el éxito de tu organización cuando se utiliza de manera consistente.



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5 Adjust and Adapt

The world of HR consulting is dynamic, so it's essential to remain flexible and adapt your self-evaluation process as needed. If you find that certain goals are no longer relevant or that new skills have become crucial in the industry, don't hesitate to adjust your approach. This agility not only ensures that your self-evaluation remains relevant but also that you're always aligned with the latest trends and demands in the field of HR consulting.

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    Stay agile in HR consulting by regularly updating your self-evaluation to reflect relevant goals and emerging skills. Adapt to industry trends to ensure your approach remains current and effective.


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (176) 2

  • Sandeep Gautam, Chartered FCIPD, SPHR® MIT Sloan MBA | Dean's Fellow | Experienced HR Head | Chief Human Resources Officer | Top 50 Economic Times Young Leaders | BW HR 40 under 40 | Gallup Certified Strengths Coach | Talent To Value Practitioner
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    The world of HR consulting is evolving rapidly. Organizations are transforming, cultures are shifting, and generations are changing. The structures, politics, and cultures of organizations have undergone significant transformation. Rapid digital and technological advancements have introduced new ways to solve old challenges while also posing new ones. Agility, empathy, and a strategic mindset are foundational competencies for HR consultants, enabling them to develop customer-centric solutions that contribute to the greater good.


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (185) 1

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    Adjusting and adapting involves making changes to respond to new information, circ*mstances, or feedback. Here are some steps to adjust and adapt:1. _Monitor progress_: Track changes and outcomes.2. _Gather feedback_: Collect insights from others, data, or experiences.3. _Analyze feedback_: Identify areas for improvement or adjustment.4. _Assess options_: Consider alternative approaches or solutions.5. _Make adjustments_: Implement changes or tweaks.6. _Test and refine_: Evaluate the impact of adjustments and refine further.7. _Stay flexible_: Remain open to ongoing adjustments and adaptations.Adjusting and adapting helps you:- Respond to changing circ*mstances- Improve outcomes and results- Enhance learning and growth

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    Do processo "envieza" tudo pode degringolar de uma hora para outra e reposicionamentos são necessários; Observe sempre o setor e reposicione sempre que necessário seus aprendizados, tendências passam muito rapidamente, tente identificar o que é tendência e o que pode se consolidar de fato e não disperdesse tempo em "ondas" como por exemplo a onda o "coaching" muitos correram para tirar uma certificação caríssima que acabou caindo em desuso muito rapidamente. Entenda o contexto do aprendizado e seu direcionamento para não perder tempo com modas do momento. Foque nos diferenciais que isso pode trazer para seus aprendizados


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    En el mundo de la consultoría de RRHH, la agilidad y la adaptabilidad son clave para mantenerse relevante y competitivo. La autoevaluación es un proceso continuo que requiere una revisión constante de objetivos, habilidades y tendencias en la industria. Al estar dispuesto a ajustar tu enfoque y adaptarte a los cambios, no solo garantizas que tu autoevaluación sea relevante, sino que también demuestras una mentalidad de crecimiento y una capacidad para innovar y mejorar continuamente.



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6 Plan Action Steps

Finally, turn your self-evaluation into actionable steps. For every area of improvement identified, outline specific actions you'll take to address them. If you need to enhance your conflict resolution skills, for example, you might plan to attend a workshop or read a highly recommended book on the subject. Action steps transform your self-assessment from a passive exercise into a proactive strategy for career growth, ensuring that you're constantly moving forward in your professional journey as an HR Consultant.

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  • Luis Basurto Consultor Estratégico y Experto en Derecho Laboral y Recursos Humanos | Asesor Ejecutivo en Relaciones Laborales y obligaciones patronales | Auditor Especializado en RRHH
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    Es bien sabido que la autoevaluación es un punto de partida valioso, pero sin acciones concretas se queda en una reflexión sin impacto real. En particular, la mejora de habilidades específicas, como la resolución de conflictos, (por medio de talleres o lecturas recomendadas), no solo enriquece el perfil profesional del individuo, sino que también aporta un valor significativo a la organización. Un profesional que se dedica a su desarrollo personal contribuye activamente a un entorno laboral más eficiente y armonioso.



    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (218) 1

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    Good points. In action planning, plan for the reflection time with different project milestones. This is often overlooked. Setting up time to reflect is part of the process, not an afterthought.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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    Self-evaluation can be a powerful tool for career growth, especially for HR consultants. Here are some ways we can utilize self-evaluation effectively:1. Reflect on your Achievements and ChallengesTake time to assess your accomplishments and the challenges you’ve faced. This helps you understand your strengths and areas for improvement.2. Set Clear GoalsUse self-evaluation to set realistic and meaningful career goals. 3. Identify Skills and CompetenciesEvaluate your current skills and competencies. Identify areas where you need further development and create a plan to address them.4. Improve CommunicationSelf-evaluation allows you to communicate your accomplishments, goals, and concerns to your managers or clients.


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (235) 2

  • PRIYA GUPTA NLP Advanced Practitioner 🧠| Human Resource | Poet✍️ | Healer✨ | Mind Programming🧠 | Self Healing 🌼
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    In my knowledge and experiencethe best thing to explore yourself is to learn as much as you can, because learning is the only thing that helps you to know about your potential and your free will.When you focus on learning you are more focused on self growth and adaptability. And it motivates you with positivity and nothing affects you.Thanks & Regards Priya Gupta


    Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (244) 1

  • Geetika Dang Human Capital Insights Leader, Advisor, Consultant, Thought Leader, and Speaker
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    Self-evaluation is essential for career growth as an HR consultant. Begin by setting clear career goals, aligning them with industry standards to ensure they are ambitious yet attainable. Regularly conduct self-assessments, using tools like SWOT analysis to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, and integrate feedback from colleagues, clients, and mentors for a balanced perspective. Assess your technical skills, knowledge of HR technologies, and competencies in areas like talent acquisition, process reengineering, and system optimization. Identify gaps in your abilities and create a development plan, including continuous learning, certifications, and practical experience.

  • Luis Basurto Consultor Estratégico y Experto en Derecho Laboral y Recursos Humanos | Asesor Ejecutivo en Relaciones Laborales y obligaciones patronales | Auditor Especializado en RRHH
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    Como Consultor de Recursos Humanos, identifiqué la necesidad de mejorar mis habilidades de resolución de conflictos. Realicé una autoevaluación exhaustiva y elaboré un plan de acción: me inscribí en un taller intensivo y adquirí libros recomendados. Aprendí técnicas avanzadas de mediación y negociación, aplicables a mi trabajo. Tras implementar estos pasos, mejoré significativamente en manejar conflictos, obteniendo resoluciones más rápidas y efectivas, con comentarios positivos de mis colegas, fortaleciendo así mi contribución al equipo y la organización.


  • Marcel Parker Owner at Marcel R Parker Associates
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    Identify some role model in this area who is credible and book time with them for a short chat to understand what mistakes they made and would not repeat.this is a valuable input for you to formulate your own SMART goals


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HR Consulting Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (269)

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Here's how you can utilize self-evaluation for career growth as an HR Consultant. (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.