BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka (2024)

BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka (1)

Last updated: 11th November 2019

Biological Research Division

Biological research division is the largest division in BCSIR laboratories, Dhaka which conducts research and development activities in the field of Biological science in the following sections: Applied Botany, Plant Pathology, Plant Physiology, Zoology, Plant Tissue Culture, Soil and Environment.

Applied Botany section conducts research on economically important algae, fungus, medicinal, horticultural and flowering plants culture. Scientists of the said section are also to be engagedin research work on application of different types of organic fertilizer on different vegetables to observe their growth patterns and to keep the soil and environment healthy. With the technical help of expert scientists of this section are always serving the lease entrepreneurs which are commercially producing and marketing Spirulina in the form of tablet, capsule, powder, drinks etc.

Major Field of research activities of the plant pathology section are isolation, identification and characterization of bioactive metabolites from endophytic fungi and to find out the plant diseases caused by fungus and bacteria and their remedy by biological means.

Plant physiology section conducts research on plant hormones, different levels of macro and micro elements and biochemical activities of Spirulina cultured on different media. Expert scientists are also engaged work on, to enrich the nitrogen fertilizer (organic) from waste blood meal.

Scientists of zoology section are engaged on applied entomology (insect taxonomy and pest management) and fisheries (ornamental fish culture, live fish feed culture and artificial fish feed formulation and evaluation). They are also carrying out research on animal biotechnology, parasitology and nematology.

Expert scientists of Plant Tissue Culture section are keeping their efforts on in vitro plant regeneration and multiplication of important medicinal, horticultural, flowing, fruiting, vegetables, natural dye producing and timber plants. The scientists of this section are also dedicated to carry on molecular research on different plants for the improvement of plants. They conduct training program on basic and commercial tissue culture technique.

Soil and Environment section is a research unit which is dedicated to innovative research and management options on soil, Agricultural and environmental fields. This section provides analytical service of soil, water and environment sample analysis and technical support for researchers, academicians and the general public. The main objectives of this section are to conduct research on: Soil health improvement, fertilizer product, fertilizer quality control, GIS- technology development and environment quality assessment through GIS technology.

Research Scope:
The topics of BRD research include, but are not limited to:

  • Eco friendly remediation technology development for contaminated environment.
  • Cost effective EPT and ATP design for large and small industries.
  • Improve technology for industrial air pollution mitigation.
  • Develop organic and bio-fertilizer products for indigenous sources.
  • Genomics, Immunology (Vaccine preparation), Microbiology, Plasmid construct, Plant Genetic Transformation, Bioinformatics, Gene cloning and sequencing, Genetic transformation, Genomic research.
  • Aquaculture, fish nutrition, entomology and waste management.


  1. Poultry feed from unused fish scales including natural ingredients.
  2. A natural food colour from plant.
  3. Mass propagation of Apple plantlets from Tissue culture.
  4. Large-scale in vitro propagation of year-round fruit producing Jackfruit trees in Bangladesh.
  5. Production of protein enriched Spirulina.
  6. Live fish feed and bio-fertilizer.


BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka (2)

  • Fluorescent Microscope
  • RT-PCR
  • ELISA Reader
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
  • Ion Chromatograph
  • Potentiometric Titrator with Karl Fisher Titration unit
  • Nitrogen Digestion and Distillation Unit
  • UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
  • Flame Photometer

Analytical Services and HRD
Analytical and Consultation Services:

  • Biological Research Division provides analytical and consultation services to diverse stakeholders of various materials.

Human Resource Development:

  • Provide supervision/guidance to theD./M.Phil, M.Sc, and B.Sc.(project) students ofpublicand private universities.


  • Production of Nutritious Balanced Live Stock Feed from Algae.
  • Production of Protein, Vitamins, Iron and Minerals Rich Spirulina in Capsule Form.
  • Development of a cultivation technology of Bixaorellana, a natural food colour producing plants.
  • Production of pectin from ripe jackfruit waste (rind).


  1. Jhon Liton Munshi, Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)
  2. Dr. Salim Khan, Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)
  3. A. Matin Sarkar, Principal Scientific Officer (PSO)
  4. Mohammad Moniruzzaman, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
  5. Dr. Md. Kamal Hossain, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
  6. Dr. Shahina Akter, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
  7. Dr. Tanjina Akhtar Banu, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
  8. Dr. Ahsan Habib, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
  9. Badhan Saha, Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
  10. Nahid Sultana,Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
  11. Chapal Kumar Roy,Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
  12. Rakibul Hasan,Senior Scientific Officer (SSO)
  13. Mousona Islam, Scientific Officer (SO)
  14. Mahamuda Begum, Scientific Officer (SO)
  15. Afroja Parvin, Scientific Officer (SO)
  16. Barna Goswami, Scientific Officer (SO)
  17. Lailatul Ferdousi, Scientific Officer (SO)
  18. Nasima Momtaz, Research Chemist (RC)

Director (Addl. charge)

BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka (3)

Nahid Sharmin

Director (Addl. Charge)

BCSIR Dhaka Laboratories



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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.